Wait a minute…did he just slip in “Basil Pesto Shrimp with Risotto” into this cut? #Yes #YesThatsExactlyWhatYouHeardYo Turn up for this – “what the fuck you waitin’ on!?!” Just about the polar opposite of the video we posted up last night here on our pages, we’re heading back into the woods & beyond for a […]Read More
Sometimes a man needs to wander through the forest alone with just his thoughts & emotions yo. #aintnojudgementshere Artist DelliReeus clearly has a lot on his mind and a heaviness weighin’ on his heart – and this downbeat Trap cut gives the man the plenty of opportunity to get a few thangs off his chest. […]Read More
The Vancouver-based grunge band Overdose was only ever around for a short period of time, but we had a chance to check’em out a bunch before they officially broke up. We met’em in 2012 for an interview on SBS Live This Week, saw them play their first of-age club show in Vancouver in early 2013, […]Read More
Here I was, thinking that “Medicine” would have come off of Prince Ace’s latest record FareWell released in 2020, but yet here we are, the man is hittin’ the ground runnin’ hard this year with a brand-new cut for ya already. Dig that work ethic! Along with Broz on the mic to bring the magic […]Read More
Dario Margeli – “Pure Spirit” – Single Review Call it the optimism that comes along with a brand-new year if you like. Over the course of years of writing & experience, a music-reviewer has less & less of a place to hide. Having written well over 2000 here on these pages of ours and slowly […]Read More
Campfire Bob – “Songs Of Healing” – Single Review It took me at least a couple spins of “Songs Of Healing” before I could finally recall who the heck it was this song reminded me of so much, and surprise-surprise, it was a legend from the very nation I reside in – Neil Young. I’m […]Read More
Incredible new things are happening out there in the ol’ independent music-scene…just sayin.’ If you’re interested & feeling brave…there’s a new channel being stocked with audio awesomeness this year, EVERY single day – maybe even YOURS! Click on the link to discover the SBS Secret Stash Of Stellar Singles Make sure to like, subscribe, tell […]Read More
Joho left no one out there listening with any doubts about his potential or the momentum surging throughout his breakout year in 2020. While the savvy fans out there can trace his career back to around seven years ago with the release of his First Steps record – Joho came roaring back, inspired like never […]Read More
We wouldn’t leave ya hangin’ on a New Year’s Eve without a soundtrack to turn up! Back with one last episode before 2020 is all over – we’ve got Proof Of Purchase! Volume 9 loaded up for ya to enjoy tonight, tomorrow, or whenever ya see fit to tune in to some genuine audio awesomeness […]Read More
Official Press Release Aleister Is Making Massive Moves In His Breakout Year – Brand-New Album Gaslight Is Out & Available Now! Clearly building massive momentum in the music-scene throughout his breakout year as an artist, Aleister surged online with a stellar series of singles and his debut self-titled record establishing his name permanently in the […]Read More