No Serial Killer – No Serial Killer – Singles Review/Album Sampler Alrighty…*stretch…someone remind me of what the definition of insanity is once again, and please tell me which side of the screen it actually applies to, if not both… This will be my third review on No Serial Killer within a month’s time…there has been…hmmm…lots […]Read More
Astrixion – “Six Gun” / “My Resolve” – Singles Review Alrighty boys…let’s get this train a-movin’ shall we? Astrixion has been kickin’ out behemoth jams ever since 2011 according to the legend online…a three-piece based out of Killeen, Texas. We got details in the bio pointing to their first EP Breaking The Silence being released […]Read More
Been about a year since we last featured the Sundance Jump crew on our pages, and you know what they say…there’s no time like the present, even when you’re diggin’ into the past. They’re still hard at work promotin’ the 2019 album Deep Purple Sage, and according to the ol’ date stamped onto this here […]Read More
Athmossmusic – “They Come For You” – Single Review The real question you need to answer for yourself in listening to this new Athmossmusic single, is who are ‘they’ and who ‘you’ might actually be…because you might be surprised about who’s exactly coming for whom here… Don’t get me wrong…I’m simply musing out loud…I understand […]Read More
Jae Dee – “Tears Of Aggression (TEST MIX)” – Single Review “In life you gotta be able to encourage & motivate – and when you make it you turn around and you lift up the next man.” #PayAttentionThereIsWisdomInTheseWords There are pieces of this puzzle that I’m missing, but I imagine they’ll get filled in over […]Read More
Sean Waterman – Devices – Album Review Meat. And Potatoes. Simple. Watching my peers out there online attempt to contort this album’s title into some kind of clever tag line that works has been…oh I suppose both sad & interesting. When it works, it works – none of these did, but I mean sure, do […]Read More
Well look at that will ya? Nearly twenty whole subscribers! In just six short months! Who said it could be done, right? Did we feature your music at the SBS Secret Stash Of Stellar Singles in June? You don’t even know, do you? We have endless faith in this project & know it won’t stay […]Read More
Erik Odsell – Human – Album Review When I originally first reviewed Erik Odsell’s music back in 2016 with the release of his debut record Searching For Lost Boys Island, it was impossible to deny the man had himself a very strong connection to music and was definitely heading into a verifiable career as an […]Read More
Whether you’re up late-night like we are, or it’s the first thing in your morning – there’s no better time than right now to get some of that good-good independent music in ya! Join us on this week’s episode of the SBS Podcast and hear about the latest happening in the music of Christina Wells, […]Read More
The Crossing Crew – River Radio – EP Review Well now…someone has been busy, haven’t they? Some folks have the advantage of a great band name…sometimes it’s a song title or two…sometimes it’s just all-out unforgettable music that makes you remember them…sometimes it really hasn’t been all that long since you last heard something, and […]Read More