Yvette Lopez – “Faded”

 Yvette Lopez – “Faded”

Yvette Lopez – “Faded” – Music Video Post

Alrighty!  A little something for the anti-Valentine’s Day crowd out there…

Truth be told, this stunning singer/songwriter put out this track in the summer of 2022, but it’s still making the rounds out there and sounds as fresh as ever!  Besides…we all know there’s a significant amount of folks out there all over the globe that have no time for candy hearts and Hallmark BS – so it’s only fair we post up something here to represent the rest of you other side of the love-story, right?

Awesome to have Yvette back up on our pages once again.  You might remember her from a posting we put out last year with her cross-cultural hit song “Yo Me Vuelvo Loca” back in April, or you might very well know her from all the other stellar songs she’s put out over this past year or so.  Lopez has remained highly active since the last time we crossed paths with her music, and she’s dropped other tracks onto the net like “5000 Best Friends Forever On Facebook” with its animated video, and more recently, she’s put out “Dive” and “Relax” as well.  Of all the tracks I’ve heard from Yvette so far to-date personally, I think “Faded” is easily right up there at the top of my list…she’s got a genuine single-worthy tune with this track, and you can see from the thousands-upon-thousands of people tuning-in to her video that I’m not alone in feeling that way.  Let’s be real here – love can be EXHAUSTING – and even when you feel like you’ve found the right thing, it can wear you right out and make you feel “Faded” – and that’s essentially what Yvette is detailing through her words on this song.  It can be a battle to stay true to yourself without falling into the trap of becoming someone you’re not for someone you love – so take a page out of Yvette’s playbook here, pay attention, and learn from the wisdom she’s sharing.

While she might feel lost and “Faded,” thankfully heartbreak doesn’t last forever.  A couple large glasses of wine, a few nights of recovery, some self-care & self-love…that all goes a long way – and in no time at all, you’ll be back to your 100% just like we’re sure Yvette is by now.  She certainly sounds like she’s back at full strength, so we have to assume she’s fully recovered!  Lopez is getting all kinds of great feedback on this song and for justified reasons – it’s a verifiable Pop hit, and a song that reminds us all that a mere setback can’t hold us back from reaching greatness.  If someone breaks your heart, turn that tragedy into triumph just like Yvette has on “Faded,” and know that every day is a new opportunity to find that special someone you truly belong with that can give you the right energy, respect, and love you deserve.

Find out more about the music of Yvette Lopez from her official website:  https://www.yvette-lopez.com

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