W. Dire Wolff – “Summer Nights Music”

W. Dire Wolff – “Summer Nights Music” – Single Review
There are times in my life where I wish I could properly communicate just how much a song means to me when it comes along. I mean…you know…I get it…I’m here, I’m writing about’em & all…but there are certain times where that still doesn’t feel like it’s quite enough to express my gratitude for what music can provide to my life, or how it’s always been there for me at the times where I need it the most. This is one of those times, right here, right now…I wish I could tell y’all just how much my weary spirit & soul really needed to hear something exactly like what I’m hearing on W. Dire Wolff’s brand-new single.
Because let’s be real here…life is…lol…it’s a freakin’ busy place, quite often filled with too much BS that’s well-beyond our control…and sometimes we just need a timeout to sort through it all. I remember back in my days on the grid, we used to call that the weekend…that’s what the ol’ Saturdays & Sundays were for…that time to reflect, unwind, process…even heal. When you’re living in the DIY world like I’ve been for the past decade, you’re lucky if you can find any extra time to spare where you’re not thinking about what needs to be done for this or that, or simply not struggling to find a way NOT to struggle, you dig? I’ve been up against it for so long now that I’ve nearly forgotten what my purpose is, what I’m good at, why I’m here, and what I’m doing over the course of this past couple months or so…nearly all of 2022 really. I needed a song like “Summer Nights Music” to help slow time down for a moment or two…to give my brain a necessary rest with a welcoming dose of quaint sound that’s genuinely quite comforting, unpretentious, organic…and…well…kinda beautiful actually. “Summer Nights Music” is a stellar example of how natural Wolff can make his music become through the expressive way he plays…this right here is the sound of the catharsis that I’ve been seeking out.
Straight up, “Summer Nights Music” is that soul-soothing moment in time you really wanna hear. I’ve heard many tunes with W. Dire Wolff at the helm at this point throughout the years…sometimes they’ve been huge hits for me, sometimes a little wider of the mark…but always played with sincere passion, interest, purpose, and skill. When things go right, like they are here on “Summer Nights Music” – it’s nearly like the man can’t be beat. I don’t need all kinds of Steve Vai or Satriani-esque virtuoso stuff – though I have been known to appreciate that too – but sometimes…I just want a song that I can escape right into, and “Summer Nights Music” is one of those cuts where it genuinely feels like the burdens of your day will melt around you as it plays on, and you’re left with the beauty of simplicity. That’s not to say that a track like this doesn’t take a ton of talent to pull off properly – it does – all I’m saying is that, we’re not riffing up & down the frets like some lunatic that’s set their axe on fire…no – we’re talking about a performance & writing that complements each other perfectly…everything is suited to this song. Seems like an easy thing to say, I know. Trust me when I tell ya, it’s not every day that a track like this comes along, whereby it ain’t packin’ any extraneous elements that it really doesn’t NEED to have – “Summer Nights Music” is a stellar example of what a song sounds like when it DOES have everything it needs…and you’ll likely find yourself drifting along with its dreamy vibes without a second’s worth of any hesitation. I often look at those people out there with their YouTube channels that create loops of one song for hours on end and wonder what the heck they’re thinking or why they’d ever do that…and then I have to recognize that I’ve been listening to “Summer Nights Music” on repeat for hours, if not days, and kind of understand their world a whole bunch more. We like what we like, we love what we love, as we always do – I know that I could listen to W. Dire Wolff noodle on his guitar forever & I’d never complain.
So truly…this review ain’t just about introducing you all to a great new tune, but also to say thanks directly to its creator…I appreciate you W. Dire Wolff…you’re one of those quirky characters I’ve found along the way that life simply wouldn’t be the same without. “Summer Nights Music” made so much more of an impact on me personally than most would assume its friendly and sweet sound would ever likely generate on that initial spin…but trust me, by the time it’s all over and you instantly head back to push repeat and start this song up all over again, you’ll realize you need this tune like you need the air you’re breathing. This is the sound of creativity…of art…of imagination…of mellow melody, and the real magic of music…and it’s going to be forever a part of my own personal soundtrack from here on in.
Thank-you Mr. Wolff. Long may you run my brother.
He’s got a new album coming out soon – stay tuned to his page at Spotify & you’ll be the first to know when it arrives. Find W. Dire Wolff here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1XSytoHiCYqgYgD36yEwnF
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