Nouri – “Favorite Goodbye”

 Nouri – “Favorite Goodbye”

Nouri – “Favorite Goodbye” – Single Review

We’re celebrating a couple of strong representatives from the female-driven side of music here at the page today on International Women’s Day.  And talk about international!  We’ve got the sensational singer/songwriter Nouri based out of New Zealand to lead the way with a brand-new single that was just released in time for this special world event – that’s RIGHT dear readers, dear friends – fresh as it gets!

Last time we checked in with Nouri was towards the end of last year with the release of her debut cut called “Where Do We Go From Here.”  As I’ve said at least a few times here at the pages over the years – not many, but a few – when an artist or band is truly where they’re meant to be, you can hear it.  I like to think that from the moment I heard Nouri for the very first time, that she was one of those rare exceptions that didn’t cause my normal level of concern & worry for the independents out there to rise – it was clear to me that an artist like Nouri was already well on her way to the success she deserves.  That being said, it was after all, still a debut single – a stunning one mind you, but still just the first glimpse of what’s to come…and the court of public opinion will always need a bit more proof than just the one tune to confirm that what they just heard was really as unique or special as it sincerely was.

And Nouri’s back here at the beginning of 2019 on International Women’s Day to do just that.

I’ll say this…I love what Nouri’s come up with here on her new single “Favorite Goodbye” – I think she’s got herself a savagely accurate tale of what love can be like when it’s at its most extreme and how heartbreaking it can truly be, in what can often still feel like the best of circumstances.  What I love is the perspective she’s got on all this…and it’s right there in the title – “Favorite Goodbye” – while she might have experienced a devastating punch to the heart, feelings, and emotions…the song’s name and lyrics completely imply that she’d be willing to do everything all over again somehow.  And I think, for many people out there that have been lucky enough in their lifetime to experience love in hard situations where it’s so intense that the make-up/break-up cycle seems never-ending & like something you’ll never get out of, “Favorite Goodbye” is going to be like an audible lifeline to guide your way out.  Or at the very least, guide you to a form of acceptance that will lead to an inner peace of your own – of all things, that’s what I loved most about Nouri’s performance, words, and vocals on her new single/video – “Favorite Goodbye” has her mostly post-trauma of the breakup, but fondly looking back on it at times, acknowledging that through all the pain, there was joy too, and that it was all worthwhile.  She essentially comes to that defining conclusion…that this past love of hers was her “Favorite Goodbye” – a reference to their separation being the right decision at the end of the day, but also a remarkable final assessment…that even though it ended, there will be no better ending between two people, because the love shared was that intense, that strong, and that powerful, that it’ll always be a highlight in both lives concerned and a memory that is eventually looked back on for the good times.  Just beware and be aware – it’s that looking back, time, and distance that can often fool the heart the most successfully…it can be the exact thing that turns a “Favorite Goodbye” into a ‘Favorite Hello’ all over again, & the cycle will continue…Nouri warns us about that, but seems to be on the other side now.

So she’s moving on & moving up playlists, turning personal tragedy & heartbreak into art & music, and sounding spectacular the entire time.  I’d imagine “Favorite Goodbye” is another step towards her upcoming EP due out this year – and it’s certainly another solid single that indicates that record is going to be fully worthwhile.  She’s got radiantly confident & bold tones, she’s got a delicate grace that communicates the sincerity, emotion, and meanings behind the imagery & details of her words perfectly – and for the second time out, she’s got a completely single-worthy tune that’s as compelling to listen to as it is catchy.  It’s clear Nouri puts a lot of thought & heart into her music…everything on “Favorite Goodbye” came out sounding very real, very grounded, and like something that the people out there will genuinely be able to connect to on a whole variety of levels, thoughts, and emotions of their own.  Definitely an artist I continue to believe in, continue to be excited about, and continue to want to hear more from – Nouri’s star is clearly on the rise & each track we get to hear makes it shine even brighter.

Find out more about Nouri from her official page at Facebook here:

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