March 2022 Wrap-Up @ The Secret Stash

 March 2022 Wrap-Up @ The Secret Stash

Music!  It’s what’s for dinner!

You see folks…that’s the thing…I don’t really have to write anything that makes much sense if no one’s really paying attention.

Here in the furthest corners of the internet realm from up on high on the world’s tiniest soapbox, we keep yellin’ about your music and how amazing it has been over the past decade – we’ll continue to keep on doin’ exactly that until there’s some evidence that someone’s really listening.  Maybe we’ll keep on doin’ it after that as well, who knows!  Stay tuned – or you know, change nothing, and don’t stay tuned…clearly it makes no difference in our own agenda to promote your music.  Speaking of that good-good stuff – here’s some more of it!

Who did we add to our channel at the SBS Secret Stash Of Stellar Singles last month?  Great question!

Feel free to check out what we posted up individually each day & replay your favorites by clicking below.

Mar. 01 – per[sona

Mar. 02 – Pete Gustard

Mar. 03 – Reditus

Mar. 04 – Room 1985

Mar. 05 – Skyed Pillars

Mar. 06 – The Blackmail Seduction

Mar. 07 – Acres Of Lions

Mar. 08 – Alien Skin

Mar. 09 – Bad Pilot

Mar. 10 – Ception Of Ty


Mar. 12 – D.Ni.L

Mar. 13 – HEAD

Mar. 14 – Hochen

Mar. 15 – Kostis Chaveles

Mar. 16 – Paragon Theorem

Mar. 17 – Stereoshifter

Mar. 18 – The Silver Bayonets

Mar. 19 – Trevino

Mar. 20 – Vince LuPone

Mar. 21 – Weapons Of Minor Disruption

Mar. 22 – Western Estates

Mar. 23 – Yellow Paper Planes

Mar. 24 – Aztec

Mar. 25 – Creepy Monday

Mar. 26 – Davy Williamson

Mar. 27 – Morrow’s Memory

Mar. 28 – National Impurities

Mar. 29 – Resilient

Mar. 30 – The Drama Dolls

Mar. 31 – The Vanilla Milkshakes


"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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