Ludwik Konopko – “Travels”

 Ludwik Konopko – “Travels”

Ludwik Konopko – “Travels” – Music Video Post

If you’ve read any of the reviews I’ve written on the instrumental music of Ludwik Konopko in the past, you already know full-well that I think the world of this man’s musicianship and the sincerity he brings to every note he’s ever played.  From what I’ve heard in the rumor mill, it sounds like our good friend here has got himself an album in the works, scheduled to be released at some point in 2023…and to say that I’m looking forward to that would easily put me in the running for understatement of the year.  I can’t freakin’ wait to hear what Ludwik comes up with, and based on the absolutely impeccable quality of everything I’ve heard from the man so far to-date, I’m tellin’ ya, you can bank on Konopko’s upcoming album to be an experience you’ll never forget.  As far as I understand it, this cover of the legendary Pat Metheny Group’s song “Travels” will be a part of the lineup of songs on Ludwik’s record, and just like I’ve been tellin’ ya, the quality you’ll hear in this cover from the technique of how he plays it to the stunning clarity of the production, will certainly have you all looking forward to listening just as much as I am.  Konopko’s got a connection to music & melody that the majority of us would totally love to have.

As genuine fans of anything Pat Metheny does, you know he’d be a tough act to follow as he’s been one of the very best of the best in the industry for years and years.  Ludwik’s humble style & acoustic-based sound is a perfect tribute and complement to the original, which is completely what you’d expect if you’ve been listening to Konopko’s music in the past like we have been throughout the last year or so.  The man’s so good at what he does and has such a mastery of his guitar, you could practically call him a magician just as much as a professional musician; I could sit and listen to this dude play for hours, and I know that it’s possible, because I have.  With a steady assist through the smooth bass-lines supplied by Michael Lyp, and a tireless respect for the music he plays for you to enjoy, Ludwik Konopko is certainly one of the artists you want to keep on your radar at all times, especially if he’s got a new album on the horizon.  He’s done a wonderful job with his cover of “Travels” and set the bar extremely high for all our wildest hopes and expectations for his new record coming up…click on this video and have a listen for yourself so that you can be just as excited as we are, and have stellar music to look forward to this year.

Listen to more music by Ludwik Konopko at his official page at Bandcamp here:

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