KYZR – “This Time It’s Real” Feat. Erik Frisberg

KYZR – “This Time It’s Real” Feat. Erik Frisberg – Single Review
Wow! There are definitely moments where I don’t realize how much time has passed and this is definitely one of them – it was more than FIVE YEARS ago that we last had KYZR on our pages! How did that happen? It’s always amazing to see how quickly the days have flown by when you remember a name as vividly as if it had just been learned yesterday…KYZR is a name that I’ve never forgotten. I could have sworn that we’d crossed paths more recently, but according to what I can see here safely secured in the archives of our pages, it was at the beginning of February in 2019 that I last reviewed there music through a single called “You Can Make It On Your Own,” which just so happened to feature this same guest-star singer, Erik Frisberg, like their brand-new song called “This Time It’s Real” does. Anyhow. I suppose we should catch up eh? Did anything significant happen in the past five years? What’d I miss?
While I always point out that absence can quite often make the heart grow fonder…and that both time & experience can play a significant role in the growth & evolution of anyone’s music – I can also say with complete confidence that I’ve always been a fan of the songs I’ve heard from KYZR. This duo of Marcel and Stefan have always made sure they put out quality tunes, and they hold true to that professional standard on “This Time It’s Real.” Not that I didn’t think they would of course, I’m just saying it’s nice to find that some things never change in that regard. With the core duo of KYZR once again, is the talents of their longtime cohort Frisberg, who gives you them a solidly reliable singer to bring their instrumental tunes to the next level. In the case of “This Time It’s Real,” you’ll find Erik’s performance fluctuating between likely comparisons to Ed Sheeran throughout the verses, and channeling his inner-80s/90s Pop/R&B vibes to bring out the sweetness of this love-song in the chorus. The hooks of “This Time It’s Real” are highly memorable, the music is remarkably strong, and Frisberg expertly shifts between his falsetto and natural singing voice with ease, depending on which sound each moment is calling out for.
It’s interesting in the sense that Marcel and Stefan continually play the role of the producers and music-makers, yet they’re always keenly aware of what listeners tend to tune in for entertainment-wise. So while I’m sure it would be tempting for anyone to hog the spotlight just a little bit for themselves as the main creators behind any given moment that KYZR is actively doing something – they’re much smarter than that, and to that end, you’ll find Erik plays a much more noticeable starring role on a single like “This Time It’s Real.” I suppose it’s as easy to think of in terms of like…if they wanted their music to shine for the instrumentation and musicianship, they’d simply keep their tunes instrumental instead – but rather than gamble on that, they cleverly enlist Frisberg to add another dimension to their material.
Marcel and Stefan take full ownership of the last minute & ten-seconds…and if I’m being entirely honest with ya, they put such extraordinary highlights into the finale that even without the presence of Frisberg on the microphone during that stretch of instrumentalism to the end, the entertainment level and sonic excitement we receive on this side of the speakers never drops. If anything, even with Erik’s performance being as commendable and consistent as it is, I think there’s a genuine argument to be made that the biggest sparks and highlights occur during the finale of this song. Having said that, Frisberg provides the melodic & soulful milestones along the way as they move from verse to chorus and back again…”This Time It’s Real” is a very carefully crafted love-song that hits the mark of its ambitions bang-on. Largely because Erik is so focused, professional, and relentlessly on-point…I mean…you can’t ask for a better guest-star when it comes right down to it. He doesn’t shy away from being gifted the opportunity to jump right into the spotlight – he clearly embraces it. So you get a very strong, dynamic, and versatile performance from Frisberg that’s not only complementary to the brothers of KYZR’s sound, but also reveals the inherent professionalism he brings to music whenever he gets the call. It’s a fully functional relationship on every level from what we can hear, and clearly creatively rewarding for both parties involved given that we see Frisberg’s name pop up just about everywhere you’ll find KYZR online.
I love the main hooks of the chorus in this song…I had moments where I felt like the natural melody of the verses might even outshine that spot…I felt like the snare sound as KYZR surged into their instrumental finale is about as addictive as it gets for me and plays a massive role in how the energy morphs in this song’s ending…and the guitar solo you’ll find there is equally entertaining and badass too. “This Time It’s Real” is another stellar song to add to their catalog, and a true return to form for Stefan & Marcel that feels like they never left us at all, and that they’re picking right up where they left off as they surge straight into their prime. Definitely an impressive single from the music to the microphone once again for KYZR and Frisberg’s collaborative efforts – I’m confident that the people out there are going to want to tune in for this shiny new single, and continue to keep tabs on their upcoming album this year.
Check out the brand-new single “This Time It’s Real” by KYZR on all major music platforms at this multi-link here:
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