Polyphonic Exophilia – Singles Review Busy as the proverbial beavers these dudes are. A full salute of respect to our friends in Polyphonic Exophilia & their efforts to support the people of Ukraine by donating the proceeds & funds raised from their latest singles released online to important humanitarian efforts. If you tuned into the […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
Polyphonic Exophilia & Essinauks – Fangs & Furs – EP Review If you tuned into the SBS Podcast earlier on today, you had the opportunity to have a listen to a couple of the latest cuts floating out there in the internet ether, being made by none other than your choice for our best new […]Read More
Jacob Hauge Mateo & Ben Bushill – Quiet Majesty – EP Review I loved every moment of this experience, straight up. There are far too few records out there that celebrate the art of Spoken Word like this one does. Right from the very cover of the album, you can see that Jacob Hauge Mateo […]Read More
K-ORA – “Do You Remember” / “Sphere 2020” – Singles Review This dude seems like my kind of people. I’ve been touring through this EP called Sphere 2020 by K-ORA…unique stuff without question. In his own words, it’s “not everyone’s cup of tea but oh well lol. I don’t care for the mainstream, I just […]Read More
Melissa Quinn Fox – “Cross That Line” – Single Review Yikes. No pressure here. Melissa’s only been having an amazing time out there lately in her travels for her birthday and whatnot…so I guess I better like this song eh? And it’s Country? Do I really have to? Y’all know that if I was gonna […]Read More
Sadcult – Everything You Hate – EP Review These guys are SO GRUNGE that the last thing they’d ever do is say hello to a critical hack like me on the way in the door…fuck that shit…gotta keep those feelings nicely detached & a flannel-level of cool intact. The joke’s on them – 99% of […]Read More
SEXSOMNIA – “Sexsomnia” – Single Review Just having myself a Canadian kind of day over here, sittin’ in the nation’s capital and doin’ my thing. I was busy working on a press release for a band based outta the east coast in Halifax, called Where Giants Once Stood, earlier this morning…and here I am again […]Read More
W. Dire Wolff – “Summer Nights Music” – Single Review There are times in my life where I wish I could properly communicate just how much a song means to me when it comes along. I mean…you know…I get it…I’m here, I’m writing about’em & all…but there are certain times where that still doesn’t feel […]Read More
B. Hughes – “G.Y.S.T.” Feat. Durag B – Single Review I have always been a firm believer that music will find you at the times you need it most, and speak to you in ways that nothing else can. Try it out one day…when you’re lost and the battle ahead seems like it’s gonna be […]Read More
Sneak EPTX – Clocks – Album Review Huh…well would ya listen to that? I was under the impression Jesus did a whole lot less fuckin’ but what do I know? I left religion behind in my teenage years…perhaps His values have changed a ton since then. “Corvettes & Mustangs & Chargers & Challengers” – bro…you […]Read More