In The Whale – Nate – EP Review Now this is music that will turn a Monday quickly back into your Friday! With an EP loaded wall-to-wall with in-your-face rock, In The Whale is bound to make a lasting impression on you through the sheer amount of energy they’ve been able to pack into this four-song […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
Shagpile – Outside In – Album Review Well now! I suppose a “Happy Anniversary” or sorts, is due to all involved today… When we first started reviewing independent albums on the site, we were led to a tiny-two piece band way over in the UK called We Steal Flyers, and we reviewed their album Sidecars & […]Read More
Sandeep Khurana – Conscious Dance Rhythms – Album Review What an accurate title for an album in this style! I can admit, I haven’t spent a lot of time in the drum’n’bass part of the world, but I’m well versed in all-sounds of the instrumental variety. After a thorough listen, Sandeep Khurana has a lot in common […]Read More
CitySpeak – Audio Tech-Noir – Album Review Reliable beat creator – Jesse Mason, whom we had met last year in a written interview on our pages in discovering the music of CitySpeak, was just getting ready to focus on getting this album finished and released when we had talked to him last year. Now the fruits […]Read More
Jimmy Jax Pinchak Band – Make It Better – Album Review Now here’s an impressive backstory! It seems that good ol’ JJP has not only found an ability to entertain through his music, but also through the Hollywood screens. To name a few of the movies you’ve surely already SEEN with him in it could include […]Read More
Undocument – Pleasures – Album Review I don’t know about all of you out there – but I definitely know what I like as far as electro is concerned. Brian Pampaselle – the genius behind Undocument, is making all of it – that’s right, ALL the things I like – and more on this second album, […]Read More
Zero Verdict – Clarity – EP Review You may have seen this album cover pop up at the end of our internet show SBS Live This Week through postings of the recut episodes with Laura Kelsey on our new home at Vimeo. You might have also noticed that although we’ve continued to review music at a […]Read More
Carry Illinois – Siren – EP Review This is a fantastic and exciting year in independent music for eagerly awaiting ears out there. 2014 has had an unbelievable start to it so far, with many of the artists I’ve reviewed, seen live, or personally know making the best music they’ve made in their careers as of […]Read More
Jacob H. Carruthers III – The Jazz In My Soul – Album Review Yeah! Let’s jazz it up this morning! Meet Jacob H. Carruthers III, also known as “Trey.” In addition to making excellent, entertaining and listenable jazz – it looks like he and I have something pretty major in common right at this moment…though we come […]Read More
Skelley’s Dream – We Are Amazing – Album Review Beautiful voices and musical dreamscapes swirl and captivate on this new album from Skelley’s Dream. Started up by songwriter Winski and based in Holland; this project, along with each and every enthusiastic collaborator on board to record this album have achieved something truly fantastic here on this […]Read More