The Only’s – Soundcloud Singles – Singles Review For some reason…if I was somehow able to verbalize in music-form what I’d assume the atmosphere of a certain area sounds like by name, I have a feeling that The Only’s would represent what I’d think Toledo might sound like, were I to make a guess. It […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
Mike Lepond – Mike Lepond’s Silent Assassins – Album Review I suppose you have to give a guy some credit when they’ve been a part of what has helped shape the metal-genre over time…or, in this case, several people. I had to rub my eyes a little in disbelief over some of the credits that […]Read More
The State School – SloFastSlo – Album Review It’s often been said that music is quite dependent on timing…would reviews follow that same rule I wonder? The other day, I checked into two albums that were coming out in the mainstream before I had a listen to The State School for the first time…a fact […]Read More
JackPotLuck – JPL – Album Review This dude seems to be pretty cool. If you’ve already seen the latest episode of SBS Live This Week (#048) then you’ve already heard some of the thoughts on the new self-titled record from one-man band JackPotLuck, which is a project helmed by Gary Bonanni. If not…check that out […]Read More
Revolushn – The Freshman – Album Review Holy shit would you look at that! I’ve got nearly as many band-members in Revolushn as I do songs to review on their latest album, The Freshman – that’s rare! Also, quite cool to me…I’ve talked with more than enough bands over the past fifteen years to know […]Read More
Christian Farrar – Shitty Music You Won’t Understand – Album Review ALWAYS good to see an artist return to our pages – especially the off-kilter and crazy-ones like Christian Farrar. I think it was nearly a year back now since we last heard from this mixtape-madman…and did I expect to hear that this guy has […]Read More
Pastobal – EP#2 – EP Review Interesting music from Paris, France…I’ve been checking out a band called Pastobal over these past couple days and the latest release, EP#2. Their new record consists of four tracks, a set of originals, then those same two originals remixed into completely all-new electro-compositions. With the unique approach taken to […]Read More
Billy Ray Deiz – “Look Out My Window (Freedom’s Song)” – Single Review Gotta say – I’m pretty damn happy with what I hear from Billy Ray Deiz in his new single “Look Out My Window (Freedom’s Song).” The last time we heard a new tune from Billy Ray it met with somewhat mixed results […]Read More
Lucid Flight – In Your Head – EP Review Oh man…Lucid Flight probably figures I can’t stand them! I honestly didn’t realize that we still had a few reviews coming through arranged during our moving process to Ottawa – I thought I had gotten those all finished up when a tiny little EP with two […]Read More
Me And My Two Horses – Heartbeats Horror Horses – EP Review Personally, I’ve found a lot to listen to on the new Heartbeats Horror Horses EP from My And My Two Horses, a solo-artist all the way from Germany. You already know I’m intensely interested in music that has its roots in soil far, […]Read More