Alyssa Proffitt – Music Review Okay, okay, okay…this review is going to be a little, perhaps a lot different than much of anything I’ve said in the past…and absolutely different than anything I’ve said so far today. And that’s going to work out for young Alyssa Proffitt…so far today, up until discussing this young superstar, […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
Steve Nick – Steve And Friends – EP Review There are some people in this world that I truly have respect for – and people like Steve Nick certainly fall into that category. Why would that be, you ask? Let me tell ya… First of all, if you’re unfamiliar with Steve Nick’s music or my […]Read More
Oliver Monroe – Power To The Music – Album Review Finally! Someone who’ll willingly put the power where it belongs! I mean, how many times have we had to endure something that mentions ‘power to the people’ without once having the credit go to where the credit is due…and at the very least, you can […]Read More
Sebastian Janoski – “Pure Gold” – Single Review Put it to you this way – Sebastian Janoski has me feeling pretty optimistic about his future. Whether or not I’m ready to acknowledge the new-single “Pure Gold” to be what its title might have you believe…well…I’m not quite so sure. “Pure Gold Potential” – and I […]Read More
Mindz I – iOmega – Album Review Nothing like setting yourself up for an uphill battle within mere moments of a record beginning! It’s with saying that, that I wish nothing but the best of luck to Mindz I after calling out wack-rappers worldwide within the first thirty seconds for not being original enough. So…I […]Read More
We Steal Flyers – Applecart – Album Review Could I BE any more PROUD of the fact that we’re listening to We Steal Flyers once again? NOT A CHANCE! There are but a few bands & artists out there that have truly helped shape and define a lot of what I do here at sleepingbagstudios […]Read More
Sam And The Black Seas – Soundcloud Singles – Singles Review You definitely get that chill down the ol’ spine listening to Sam And The Black Seas…you can hear the specialness of what you’ll hear in these new singles quite quickly and quite easy. The three singles on their Soundcloud page have a collectively-inviting sound […]Read More
Amarelle – “Never There” – Single Review If you were to only judge Amarelle from the brutal, cutting sounds of their new-single “Never There” – you’d think there wasn’t a friendly bone in any of the bodies that make up this dynamic three-piece. The New York-based band has just released a full-album of demo-songs – […]Read More
Mario Marco Farinato – Soundcloud Singles – Singles Review You know…I’m not sure how many people really get how contagious attitude can be when creating and sharing music with another person when you made it yourself. We’ve all heard new music…we’ve all heard that song that makes us want to push the boundaries of life […]Read More