Brannon – “On My Way”

 Brannon – “On My Way”

Ever since I started listening to Brannon’s music back in 2017 when reviewing his record called The Road Less Traveled, I’ve always had a deep respect for his songwriting and a genuine admiration for the execution in his craft overall.  It’d be pretty tough to listen to a Brannon tune and not come to the consensus that the man knows his way around a pen & a pad and understands exactly how to construct a song with bulletproof hooks and sentiment that hits home.  He’s proven it time & again here at these very pages – we’ve been listening every year since in some way, shape, or form and continued to experience the growth and evolution of Brannon as an artist, reviewing tunes like “I’ll Be Here Waiting” in 2018 and “I Die Again” last year.

Never one to sit still for very long, Brannon is making his return in 2020 with the single “On My Way” from his upcoming third album, an acoustic-rock based project he’s been hard at work on & recording with several talented musicians & artists to bring his songs to life for us all to enjoy.  While I’ve seen a few possible dates that have been thrown around for the official debut of this new cut…don’t quote me on this just yet…hopefully we’re not jumping the gun here…but you just might be hearing that debut right at this very moment on our pages and among the first to hear “On My Way” by clicking below!

Solid as ever right?  Like I’ve been saying from the get-go, Brannon knows how to get his best on the page and always seems to be able to find exceptional talents like featured guest-star David Cagle to sing his words and make them real for us.  When it comes to “On My Way,” personally I think they’ve done an outstanding job; it’s somewhat of a revisit to the ‘boy becomes a man’ story of sorts…it explores those feelings that guys tend to get by taking a good long look at themselves and realizing just how much of their father is in them.  While that’s always something to be proud of for most out there, chances are, most still have that feeling that to really earn their old man’s respect, you gotta find your own way.  It’s great to have a piece of the puzzle of life essentially…that’s the gift our parents all give to us at birth – and it’s always up to us to complete the full picture & hold it up to the world for all to see.  “On My Way” is about the pursuit of self-definition, how important it is, and how it’s never as easy as we’d likely all hope it would be.  “But I’ll figure it out,” as Cagle expertly captures the essence of what Brannon has written into “On My Way” – I think a lot of us can relate to hoping for that day to come.

If you want the nuts & bolts of the truth, Brannon’s been on his way for quite some time now and firmly established himself in the scene as a songwriter that can always be relied on to create a quality tune – “On My Way” is more verifiable proof that he’s been on the right path all along and found that place where he truly belongs, in music.  “On My Way” might be a revisit to the past for him in that respect; perhaps he’s drawing from personal experience and nostalgically reflecting on the journey he’s taken to become the man & artist he is today.  Like many things Brannon has written in the past, there’s what it means to him, and what his songs will mean to us as well…and somewhere in the middle we meet & find that common ground in the words, imagery, and theme that speak to a bond we all share & understand.  That’s the real magic of Brannon…his ability to connect…to himself, to the talent he works with, to the people who listen…we all get something highly rewarding out of listening to the music this man makes.  This warm, acoustic-based setting certainly suits him well, Cagle sounds great, the words hit home with the powerful mix of questioning feelings & emotions Brannon’s tapped into…”On My Way” is another great tune in his catalog and more confirmation that any time this artist pops up with a brand-new tune, he’s got something well worth your time to listen to.

Find out more about Brannon from his official homepage at:

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