"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

Cody Webb – Cody Webb

Cody Webb – Cody Webb – EP Review If I wanted to…I could allow myself to admit that what I’m listening to would be classified as Country-music…I could.  Of course…it’s modern-day Country-music – so advantage to Jer @ SBS, I can always pretend I’m listening to Pop-music…which I’m slightly more comfortable with admitting to myself […]Read More

Catherine Clarnette – Bold

Catherine Clarnette – Bold – Album Review I’m up late here in Canada…almost 2 a.m. in the morning…not running out of steam whatsoever, I’m still wide-awake…but truthfully, I needed some music with real character and life to it…a little bit of something that I might not hear amidst the soundtrack of the everyday-grind. And then […]Read More

Convey – “Speed Dial”

Convey – “Speed Dial” – Single Review I had actually just mentioned the other day about the reliable relationship between the influences you can find on the music listed on a band/artist’s social media and the sound of their own stuff – and Convey makes for another incredible example of how that truly works…I had […]Read More

0131 – This Day Burns (Live @ Olympia 2014)

Opportunities like this are extremely awesome. We met This Day Burns for the first time in 2013 and went on to establish a solid relationship with this band full of extreme rock-warriors in the years to follow.  After an impressive debut record and an ultra-awesome video shot atop a Vancouver-city skyscraper in support of the […]Read More

Alien Skin – European Electronic Cinema

Alien Skin – European Electronic Cinema – Album Review Always inspiring to read about the life of a musician and listen to all the twists and turns that their music & career will take them; case in point, the man behind the music of Alien Skin, George Pappas.  Even if you’re unfamiliar with the name […]Read More

Shadows & Mirrors – Aria

Shadows & Mirrors – Aria – Album Review Ahhh yeah, some of that good ol’ reliable darkwave industrial-electro music – I’ve always got time for this kind of stuff.  Ever since ordering Nine Inch Nails’ Pretty Hate Machine on cassette back in the day – the dynamics of this genre’s style have always pulled me […]Read More

SBS Live This Week 054

Part III of our interview with mind-behind-the-music of the EverydayMusicTV channel, Mr. Rod Matheson. Featuring music from Charming Timur, comedy from MindStretchLand with Jason & Jef and videos from the EDMTV archives with Hannah Epperson and Tom Wilson – check it out!Read More

An Infinite Attraction – “Prone To Laying Low”

Seriously proud of this guy.  Brandon Kahl who worked an internship with SBS over the course of 2015 is keeping his music flowing and breaking through to new creative levels.  Releasing a brand-new cut full of sound to stoke your earholes in a collaboration that combines his beat with the rap-rhymes of Cassius.  What a […]Read More

James Reed – Feed The Monster

James Reed – Feed The Monster – EP Review For better or worse, what you’ll respect most about the James Reed approach to hip-hop is that it’s inarguably a new one.  Over five new tracks, Reed takes you into the avant-garde side of the genre, pulling in a couple sounds you wouldn’t expect to find […]Read More

0130 – Overdose Album II

One of the first bands to reach out to us when the show started back in 2012 was the three-piece grunge-band Overdose.  Truthfully, they were still getting the project off the ground themselves…and we had a chance to catch a couple shows and begin recording their demo-sessions in sleepingbagstudios before the band unfortunately imploded a […]Read More