Diamond Lake – “Light On” – Single Review Solid tune from Minneapolis-based band Diamond Lake…definitely the kind of spirited sound & energy I personally connect with in their new single “Light On” from their Changes EP. It’s part Indie, part light Alternative…almost kind of like a Foo Fighters B-side in many ways, which for the […]Read More
With a brand-new single that audibly sounds like creative freedom and vibrant expression come to full fruition, artist J.E embraces the inspiring vibes & uplifting lyricism he’s written into “Lib3ration Song” and takes you for a beautiful trip outdoors through the spectacular scenery & shots of his brand-new video. Follow J.E right to the very […]Read More
Ronald Williams – Singles Review The spoils of war. According to legend, Ronald Williams has hundreds of songs already locked away in the vault like one of his main inspirations Prince was famous for doing. For just about every reason imaginable, I can justify this when it comes to making music; for one, it’s a […]Read More
Real Talk (The Metaphor Messiah) – “Salsa” – Music Video Release/Review “Yo…just cause I left the hood don’t mean I won’t come back.” #RealTalk Let me just tell y’all as straight-up as I can – Real Talk The Metaphor Messiah ain’t afraid to tell ya exactly what’s on his mind. We are talkin’ HOT BARS […]Read More
Marcelo Camela – Melodies In Motion – Album Review There it is…that instantaneously uplifting vibe that Marcelo Camela is so synonymous with – it takes mere seconds for that familiar comforting feeling of his music to come radiating through on “At Home” as Melodies In Motion begins. I was actually kind of shocked to look […]Read More
C-ZAR Of G.M.Clan – Duality – EP Review OKAY. Think I’ve finally found what I’ve been looking for from the Rap genre this year. I’ve heard some good songs, I’ve checked out a couple decent records, new crews & new emcees on the scene…but this…THIS new record by C-ZAR of G.M.Clan has got the serious […]Read More
Rob Georg – Singles Review If you tuned into the recent episode of the SBS Podcast, you’ll have found us taking a turn into Country music for a section of the show – rare for us, but when there’s something worth spinning & talking about, you know we find a way to make some time […]Read More
Ryan Kargoll – Sunken Cities – Album Review What a freakin’ magnificent musician! Not even kidding…I wouldn’t say I’ve been stalking Ryan Kargoll online so much as doing my normal research and poking around to write a music review, but I will say I’ve had the chance to watch several clips of the dude playing […]Read More
The Creative Hive – Singles Review Well right on, right on – full salute to this crew right here, The Creative Hive is a group built of military veterans from the Marine Corps & the Army – as always, much respect & many thanks for your service. Now these vets are serving in a whole […]Read More
Our beloved Indie-Folk band out of Victoria, BC! West My Friend has enjoyed several years of success out there in the independent music-scene & been able to travel the globe on tour. Back in 2013, we had the opportunity to see the band playing live outside at the Farmer’s Market in Langley, beautiful sunny day, […]Read More