If you think that the flashy sound, massively catchy hooks, and stylistically slick music flowing throughout this single “Come To Me P2” make a memorable impact on ya, just you wait until you watch the video and see Dari stare straight down the barrel of the camera to confidently beam out the Blue Steel atcha […]Read More
Check out the concert that sparked the blaze of inspiration behind SBS jumping back into the independent scene catching live shows throughout the years to follow! The Pit storm & stomp their way all over The Media Club – and we unearthed some savagely raw footage from CRNKSHFT who opened the show that night, just […]Read More
Glenn Murawski – Cloud Remasters Volume 4 – Album Review I know exactly what you’re thinking. You recognize the name Glenn Murawski…no doubt about that. After something like a dozen reviews here at our pages and spots on the SBS Podcast, there’s no question he’s a familiar name here at SBS and likely to many […]Read More
Here’s a stellar collaboration between resident Electro wizard/man of music Jon Nguyen and the brilliant vocals of MaryN for y’all to enjoy; whether you’re up late-night like we are, just gettin’ up to start your day, or basically anywhere at all in between, you’ll find the right time to turn this new single UP is […]Read More
Eyes Afire From the moment Tassilo Böck began to form the rock-solid foundation of his new band Eyes Afire in January of 2020, it was radiantly apparent that he was onto something powerful and undeniably unique. Piece by piece he assembled an explosive combination of hybrid sound that would fast become a true sonic force […]Read More
SFP.Band definitely sounds like they’re cookin’ up somethin’ special for ya this year – and it sure looks like it too from the sample we can see from the new single/video for “Falling.” Led by the musical mind of singer/songwriter Maria Chabo, SFP.Band is a limitless hybrid of styles & sounds – and from this […]Read More
Swami Lushbeard – “All About You” – Single Review Swami Lushbeard…Swami Lushbeard…I feel like I’ve heard that name somewhere before… Of course I’m kidding, anyone that reads these pages of ours regularly knows that. Our history with the LA-based band reaches back nearly to the very beginnings of SBS – we’ve been rockin’ with the […]Read More
TAO SHU – “Slidin” – Music Video Post “Slidin” & glidin’ with that oh-so-good stylistic swagger we were introduced to back at the beginning of last month in posting up TAO SHU’s video for “Ain’t Trippin” – the man returns to our pages with a brand-new cut that confirms he’s been continually firing off at […]Read More
This new tasty treat by Trey Wonder has had me grinnin’ from ear to ear…figured I’d stop back in this afternoon & share his latest with ya! Awesome to have the man back in action & great to hear him comeback so strong. I say this like it’s been forever since we’ve had TW on […]Read More
When it comes to movies & music-videos, in my opinion, you can never go wrong with the one-shot. From current cinematic experiences like 1917 or Birdman, to then-underground extravaganza’s like the unmatchable brilliance of videos like “Mr. Krinkle” by Primus back in the day, it’s a tried, tested, and true way to guarantee my attention […]Read More