Get in The Pit! We haul another wild show outta the vault from our first five years to keep ya entertained via the awesomeness of our hairy heroes in the brothers-Hutton and their grunged-up sound within The Pit – and stick around, we’ve got a lil’ something more recent from ya with a cut from […]Read More
Sophia Treadway – “I’m Good” – Single Review You know…there’s a pretty kickass story in the making here… While I’m not usually the guy to cite this as the main reason…after all I’ve read about Sophia & her music & how she got here today…I mean…really, aside for her incredible talents & spectacular, it comes […]Read More
Glenn Murawski – Alternate Versions: Volume 1 – EP Review We now return to our regularly scheduled programming… …kind of. I’m just saying that it’s not story time like it was in reviewing Glenn Murawski’s record Fractured yesterday, that’s all. He’s shifted his gears for the Alternate Versions: Volume 1 EP and it’s only fair […]Read More
SmZ makin’ a solid impression through our speakers & screens this morning with the new single “Hon Fråga Mig” – which, if I’m not mistaken…has the man rappin’ it up in at least three languages along the way…maybe more? All I ever know is what sounds good – and “Hon Fråga Mig” sounds freakin’ great! […]Read More
Anthony Vacanti – “Playboy” – Single Review I love it when I’m checking through my playlist to see what’s up and what I might be in the mood to listen to and/or review, and getting to a cut like “Playboy” where there’s no way I could pass up the opportunity. You click on this unapologetically […]Read More
You’d be shocked if we told you, but brothers & sisters we are conquering mountainous milestones here at the ol’ bag. Would you believe it if I told ya that we hit DOUBLE DIGITS for subscribers in April, all thanks to YOUR incredible (incredulous?) support! Who said it takes a whole village to build a […]Read More
Powerful songwriting & highly memorable melody lead the way to victory for artist Simon Andersson on his latest single “Better Day.” Armed with conviction in his words, stunning vocals, and a meaningful song that shines a bright light into the darkness to bring a little hope into this world via music & video – Simon […]Read More
Glenn Murawski – Fractured – Album Review Art inspires art – let’s do this! The following was written in real time… Fractured by Glenn Murawski There was red, purple, green and a plethora of colors I couldn’t have pointed out on a paint swatch if I had been looking straight at them…this whole world seemed […]Read More
Joho – Discotheque Funeral – Album Review It’s been said countless times that there are two things in life that are certain, which of course, are death & taxes as the ol’ adage will tell ya…but I’d argue there’s a third. Pushing play on a Joho record is guaranteed to have something for ya, straight-up, […]Read More
Deltiimo – “One Time” – Single Review Hard to argue with success! Deltiimo’s already had plenty of enthusiastic response to their latest single “One Time” out there in the scene that they wouldn’t really need any additional accolades from me, though I might very well be inclined to pass out a few as well. “One […]Read More