Zronimo – “Keep My Cool” / “HOT FOOT”

 Zronimo – “Keep My Cool” / “HOT FOOT”

Zronimo – “Keep My Cool” / “HOT FOOT” – Singles Review

I suppose the best way I can explain how I’m feelin’ about what I’m hearing through my speakers right now would be to say this ain’t the first time that Zronimo has left me damn near at a loss for words y’all.  Dude’s superhuman…not even kidding…like…I know the man’s real identity, and I’ve been sworn to secrecy…but let me tell ya, firsthand, that…to have started as good as this man did originally, to somehow become as amazing as he is now…is beyond rare.  I’ve been sitting here in awe of this single called “Keep My Cool” after having it on repeat for about an hour straight, even after I’ve been spinning it all through the weekend…and it STILL blows my mind, every time.  It was explained to me, from some source out there, that even though I had heard this song about four years ago or something along those lines, that I’d never heard it done like THIS before…updated for the ol’ Zronimo catalog, you dig?  And you know something?  They were right about that.  There’s not a doubt in my mind that this song didn’t just go from good to great, it went from great to pure GOLD…”Keep My Cool” once again reveals the award-worthy talents of this artist in-full.  Like I’ve been tellin’ ya…words practically fail to explain just how damn incredible this dude has become…and at this point, if you’re not rockin’ with Zronimo, you’re only doing yourself a disservice, believe it.  I don’t know how I’m supposed to go about keepin’ my own cool when the music is THIS hot…there’s simply nothing outta place, and everything to appreciate.  When we’re talking about attention to detail, honestly, this is what it sounds like.  “Keep My Cool” would take a monumental amount of effort to create and perfect to this level with all that it requires, and to hear the results come out so flawless, fluid, and riotously entertaining…I mean…the man should be PROUD.  Everything about “Keep My Cool” deserves to find its way straight to the top of your playlist – and if this ain’t incentive to see this man play LIVE one day, nothing else could do it, you feel me?  I’m already ready to leave a deposit for that next Zronimo tour based on everything I’m hearing in “Keep My Cool.”  Somewhere in between the worlds of Grandmaster Flash, James Brown, and Prince, Zronimo is carving himself out a place where he can absolutely thrive in the music-scene…it is freakishly rare to stumble on music that is as exciting and fresh as this single is, especially when technically, I’ve heard it before!  Ever since this dude switched up his name to Zronimo, he’s been completely on the next level.

Don’t get me wrong…like so many of you artists & bands out there when it comes to the best of the best, it really comes down to the evolution of confidence.  A lot of people, Zronimo included, have astounding levels of natural talent – but there’s practically not a name you can think of when it comes to the art of music where you can’t recognize the early work from what becomes the artist you love even more later on down the line with their refined talents & such – make sense?  I’ve got the video to go with “HOT FOOT” in advance of its release here…and again, I’m tellin’ ya…there are no words I can write here that’ll do what I’m seeing and hearing the justice it deserves.  When I looked at the length before I’d even pushed play, I thought to myself that, Zronimo probably has his work cut out for him on this second of two singles I’ve got.  Don’t get me wrong…I love the direction of where he’s been goin’ with his music now, clearly – but in the past under his old moniker, a longer song tended to mean there’d be a little bit of dead space in the mix somewhere along the line, or even a drop in the entertainment level.  But this…THIS…I mean…YO – “HOT FOOT” proves those days are OVER – now I’m ready to welcome a six-minute track from Zronimo, because he knows exactly how to use the extra space to his advantage; there’s not a second wasted or anything less than completely entertaining from start to finish here!  I’ll fully admit, there was a large part of me that had put on “Keep My Cool” this week and thought to myself, ‘well…sure…I mean…that’s awesome…and there’d be no way he could top that…’ right?  And honestly, it’s hard to say that he hasn’t – he very well might have for a great many folks checkin’ this out.  “HOT FOOT” has got the advantage of having a video that shows us how amazing the guy is as an all-around entertainer…as in, not just the singing, not just the musicianship, but the DANCE MOVES as well y’all…I’m tellin’ ya – he’s well on his way to being second to none as the complete & total package.  As a song, I suppose it’s probably fair to say that “HOT FOOT” is more of a performance-minded piece – it still has hooks & plenty of’em – they’re just not the main priority in the same way that you’ll find they are on a song like “Keep My Cool” is all.  In place of that, you get this like, super awesome sample of just about everything Zronimo does so damn well, bit by bit as the song plays on…almost like if you could order something from your favorite entertainer a la carte – you following me?  It is very much in the space of Prince meets Morris Day & The Time…and it’s basically everything that the music scene so desperately needs right now.  With personality that is straight-up off the charts, Zronimo attacks the mic in front of him and the dance-floor beneath him with complete confidence, holding nothing back whatsoever – and the difference that it has made to his music is everything he needed it to be.  Zronimo has always been ridiculously talented…it’s always been about him getting to that point where he trusts his instincts and talents to get him to the right place, pushing play, feelin’ it, and goin’ with it, 100% – and he’s there now.  Talent agencies should be lined up at this man’s door ready to break it down!  That’s what I’m tellin’ ya…if you’ve got a set of functional ears & eyes and you’re in the industry, you should be trying to move mountains to get this guy to sign on the dotted line…because if you don’t, if you hesitate, and you miss that window – he’s just gonna make it happen on his own, and before you know it, Zronimo is gonna be a worldwide name that every single one of us knows for all the right reasons.  I’m tremendously proud of how far this guy has come, and it’s insane to think of how far he’ll go – Zronimo’s reached that incredible all-star level where he won’t be able to stay a secret any longer.

Stay tuned y’all…he’s got massive things in the works as far as I’ve heard, right up to & including his own movie coming out soon!  Lest we forget, some of the biggest names we’ve ever heard of in music’s history like MJ and Prince started out by going that route…Zronimo’s on a proven path to success, with all the talent he needs to reach the top.  Both “Keep My Cool” and “HOT FOOT” will be released soon enough I’m sure – but until they are, make sure to check out the rest of his catalog at Spotify here:  https://open.spotify.com/artist/4dWKe5SHC1XhmF1859zjTH

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