SBS Podcast 165

Ain’t nothing like turning up some of your favorite tunes on a bright sunshiny day, especially when it’s a holiday, right?  For Canada Day this year, we’ve prepared an all-Canadian lineup for ya – so that no matter where you are in the world, you can celebrate along with us today!  Featuring tracks from the […]Read More

SBS Podcast 162

You know we’d never just leave for vacation without providing you some tunes to keep you occupied during our time away – so here you are & here you go!  We’ve got double-shots in the mix from ten highly reliable sources of audible awesomeness on the show for you to enjoy – so do the […]Read More

February 2022 Wrap-Up @ The Secret Stash

A thing we do with your music!  Surprised?  You shouldn’t be – we’ve been rocking the SBS Secret Stash for well over a year + change now…yet here we are, and you’re just learning about it.  That’s the internet for ya folks…one big lethargic lack of support & giant black hole of anonymity.  Anyhow – […]Read More

November Wrap-Up @ The Secret Stash

Back with another chapter of the most ignored project on the internet today – the SBS Secret Stash Of Stellar Singles! What can we say?  With such underwhelming results, we’re only more encouraged to keep on going.  Because we don’t mind loving your music, even if you don’t!  Which…yikes…from the numbers…is clearly how y’all feel.  […]Read More

SBS Live This Week 152

It’s that magical time once again!  Haulin’ out another stellar set from the vault, catch the second of two shows that Vancouver band HEAD played from the end of 2015/beginning of 2016 at Studio, and stick around for a bonus cut with a lyric video by Return For Refund! To find out more about how […]Read More

April Wrap-Up @ The Secret Stash

You’d be shocked if we told you, but brothers & sisters we are conquering mountainous milestones here at the ol’ bag. Would you believe it if I told ya that we hit DOUBLE DIGITS for subscribers in April, all thanks to YOUR incredible (incredulous?) support! Who said it takes a whole village to build a […]Read More

SBS Podcast 114

Proof Of Purchase X!  Volume 10! Refer to this all-star collection however ya like, just turn…it…UP! Gathered from Jer’s favorites from the first nine Proof Of Purchase specials on the SBS Podcast, +1 bonus tune he couldn’t live without for a full TEN songs on our TENTH special in this subseries – see how that […]Read More

SBS Podcast 094

Come get some!  We’re choosing to get loud & rowdy for the majority of today’s show – get that volume turned up and tune on in! All kinds of audio awesomeness on this episode gathered far & wide from throughout the land from our incredible independent music-scene.  Check out cuts from The Key Of Green, […]Read More

SBS Podcast 091

Proof Of Purchase Vol. 2 is up and bumpin’ for your listenin’ pleasure!  How did we spend our hard-earned dough at the last event at Bandcamp?  Extremely wisely of course!  We bought records from all over the map and we’re playing a cut from each of’em on the show today, ever on our quest to […]Read More

SBS Podcast 040

40 of the most inspirational cuts we’ve stumbled upon from our first five years – and what a lineup of songs it truly is! Now to be clear…we’re not saying anything ridiculous like, best 40 songs you’ll ever hear in your life or any kind of click-bait headline – we’re telling it like it is, […]Read More