SBS Podcast 162

 SBS Podcast 162

You know we’d never just leave for vacation without providing you some tunes to keep you occupied during our time away – so here you are & here you go!  We’ve got double-shots in the mix from ten highly reliable sources of audible awesomeness on the show for you to enjoy – so do the right thing, tune in & turn up for this latest episode of the SBS Podcast!  Before we turn the lights out to hit the road to head to California, we’re playing songs from Aztec – aka Little Lightning, EMPRA, per[sona, Smoky Ghosts Of Big Trees, The Vrbs, 1FM, Closer, Hochen, Return For Refund, and The Drood.  Don’t miss out – this list will keep ya plenty entertained til we get back!


Your official show lineup includes:

Return For Refund – “Lift You Up” / “TV Light”

Closer – “Wintergreen” / “Sweet Papa Jhaaa”

The Vrbs – “Scream For Me” / “Hog”

Hochen – “Bugs” / “Out In The Wild”

Smoky Ghosts Of Big Trees – “A Tramp And Fugitive Look At Travel Brochures” / “Pilot To Bombadier”

Little Lightning (Previously known as Aztec) – “Black Art And Star Charts” / “The Benefits Of Being Alone”

EMPRA – “I Won’t Give Up” / “Doesn’t Make Much Sense”

1FM – “Another Thing” / “Fire In The City”

The Drood – “Static Time” / “Leave The Lights On”

per[sona – “Up And Away” / “Version”

It’s a whole new year for you to ignore this message down here!  Did you know you could be the next up on our pages at sleepingbagstudios by clicking here?


"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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