Scott Kirby – “So Many Ways” / “People Like You”

Scott Kirby – “So Many Ways” / “People Like You” – Singles Review
Way back when…sometime in 2017 if the dates on these pages of ours are accurate…we first crossed paths with a singer/songwriter named Scott Kirby through a single called “Love Is Just” and were blown away by the amount of talent he possessed for sure, but also the amount of heart & passion he plays with. Hard to believe that was six years ago to be truthful with ya…seems like that was a whole other lifetime ago at this point when you consider how many things in the world have changed since then – but what might be even harder to believe is that for as great as Kirby was back then, he’s somehow even greater now. No joke – I’ve always enjoyed this dude’s music, but there’s not a doubt in my mind after listening to these two new singles and seeing his latest video that Scott is surging right into his prime.
Some folks just get it in ways that others don’t…some just have a talent inside them that has always been destined to be shared with the world…and I suspect that Scott has the good fortune of both of these things. When you listen to the sincerity and soul he sings with on a song like “So Many Ways” as it shifts between its beautiful low-key energy to the most inspired spark of melody as this song reaches the heights of its hooks…honestly, it’s something to behold y’all. Like I was saying…Kirby’s always been great so far as I’ve known and heard within his music…but hearing this guy take his sound and songs to the next level like he has in “So Many Ways” is freakin’ heartwarming dear readers, dear friends. It’s like listening to the sound of someone that has found the place they’re meant to be, you know what I mean? Not only is the sweet sentiment of a song like this bound to resonate profoundly with all who listen to it, but the incredible demands it would take on his voice to pull this off effectively are MASSIVE – and I’m tellin’ ya…Scott sings this like he could do it all day, every day. And you know something? I have the feeling that he does! Don’t get me wrong, natural talent is one thing – and anyone that has it knows how lucky they are to have it – but that’s still the base-level, you feel me? To get to where Kirby is takes dedication, commitment, refining, and a willingness to challenge himself daily to be better than he was yesterday…that’s how you take the gift of natural talent and turn it into something significantly special. As far as my ears can hear as he sings “So Many Ways,” he’s performing at an all-star level, straight up. I’m beyond impressed with the execution and how he’s sung this song, I love the piano leading the way, I love the backing vocals, and I am absolutely mesmerized by the heights this soulful melody reaches by the end in its finale. Scott has always had the gift without a doubt – but hearing him put it to such extraordinary use with such precision, power, and skill is nothing but pure joy to experience, I assure ya.
All these amazing things to say about his music, and I have even mentioned what a wonderful dude he is behind the scenes as well. I’ll put it to ya this way – I’m 100% sure that what you hear in his music is what you get in the guy behind it all too – Scott is a stunningly positive presence on this planet, that’s the facts. So when you hear the empowering messages in songs like “So Many Ways” or his new single “People Like You,” believe in what he’s singing about, because I’m tellin’ ya, he stands behind everything he’s communicating to you. He’s dedicated “People Like You” to his little man Elton, and you gotta love that – “people like you make the world worth living in” is one of the most wonderful things you could ever say to a kid, and like I was tellin’ ya before, it’s more than clear that Scott believes everything he’s written and sings. Elton’s gonna grow up knowing he’s loved and that he’s made a positive difference in the older Kirby’s life from day one, and how amazing is that? This world tends to focus way too much on stories that would feature the opposite scenario, yet here we are, listening to a track like “People Like You,” loving every minute of how that sunshine-sound & catchiness is able to move our heart and soul. These are the types of stories and songs that people all around the world truly want to hear, even if we’re somewhat taught and trained to believe the opposite is true. Our attention simply goes to what’s available, and there are a whole lot more sad stories out there than happy ones on the surface if you don’t know where to look. Heck, even I’d readily tell ya that a sad song is usually more likely to move me than a happy one would, and that writing happier tunes effectively & convincingly is a million times harder than creating a sad one would be. Yet here we are, with Scott Kirby essentially defying the odds, leaving us no other conclusion to draw to other than the fact that his remarkable connection to music is so freakishly authentic and wonderful that you couldn’t mistake it for anything else. Like I’ve said on these pages of ours dozens if not hundreds of times – the more YOU there is in the music YOU make, the more that WE will be into it. I’m not sure there’s anyone out there that embodies what I’ve been trying to explain more than Scott does. He makes the moment real because he’s fully present and living within it…and when we hear him sing & play, we go right along with him because that feeling is contagious in all the right ways. You start singing along quickly with a track like “People Like You” because you can FEEL the spirit it has, the uplifting energy it provides, and the genuine SOUL within it, you dig? Don’t get me wrong y’all…I love a good meal as much as anyone does and I didn’t get to be the beautiful round shape that I’m in by pushing away from the table – but when we’re talkin’ about REAL soul-food, it’s something you hear or you experience, not actually something you eat, you feel me?
We universally identify with the uplifting vibes & joy Scott Kirby creates with his music. When you combine that with his irresistible charm, catchy songs, and a personality we all wanna cheer for, that’s a recipe for success in the best ways it can possibly be measured.
I’ll have more to say about Scott and his new video for “People Like You” on the next episode of SBS Live This Week coming up soon in this next week or so – until then, make sure to check it out online and find out more about him from his official website at:
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