Schwerer Traum – “Rotations”

 Schwerer Traum – “Rotations”

Schwerer Traum – “Rotations” – Music Video Post

Well hot damn!  Tell us how you really feel about things, will you Schwerer Traum?

They ain’t pulling any punches on this new single “Rotations,” I can assure you.  Calling out the fuckery and chaos we’ve created on this planet we share, Schwerer Traum sound fired-up and determined to get y’all paying attention to the impending perils of our selfish actions.  A single that’s pulled directly from the Groove-Metal band’s latest record, Schwerer Traum III, “Rotations” serves as a scathing warning that seethes insightful wisdom to remind everyone that “the damage is done” and that “it’s too late for us.


When you want people to listen, sometimes you gotta get LOUD right?  Schwerer Traum has no problem in that department, that much is clear.  It might be desolate and confirming the hopeless nature of our humanity, but that’s only because they’re telling the hard truths most others would never dare to speak.  “Chaos approaches,” as they say…and again, they ain’t wrong!  Armed with fiercely savage sound that’s designed to shake some damn sense into ya, “we are running out of time,” yes, but at least we’ve got a kickass soundtrack for our demise and can listen to “Rotations” while the world burns down around us.

With three decades of experience as a band, their outstanding professionalism can’t be hidden.  You listen to a track like “Rotations” and it should drop your jaw in amazement – Schwerer Traum is entirely dialed right into the sound they want to have, and execute at the highest levels.  Unafraid to shout at the world and call things as they see’em with brutal honesty – “Rotations” is powerfully honest, real, and briliantly observant…it’s the track we all needed to listen to fifty years ago while we still had time.

All killer, no filler here – Schwerer Traum’s “Rotations” is punishingly addictive Groove-Metal done right.

Find out more about Schwerer Traum from the official pages below!

Apple Music:
Find The Schwerer Traum III CD:

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