SBS Podcast 096

Another special show for ya today on the SBS Podcast! Artist Marcelo Camela takes on the audio interview for our Covid Relief Project, we’ll play a brand-new cut from his upcoming record, in addition to a whole lineup of tunes that celebrate instrumental awesomeness in a ton of exciting styles for ya! Featuring music from our main guest, as well as songs from The Hsu-nami, Ahimsa, Dave Wirth, Velvet Symphony, Maxsel, Alex Rosselli, Elmo Karjalainen – AND…we’ll fill you in on the details about what makes The Music Therapy Experiment tick as well! You know what time it is & you what to do folks – tune in & turn up!
Your official show lineup includes:
Marcelo Camela – “Serendipity”
Dave Wirth – “Penumbra Nadir”
Elmo Karjalainen – “Back Where We Belong”
Maxsel – “Trip To The Lost World”
The Hsu-nami – “Reincarnation”
Marcelo Camela – “Never Really Gone”
Velvet Symphony – “Going To Jupiter”
Alex Rosselli – “Zero Point”
Ahimsa – “Antiqueeze”
The Music Therapy Experiment – “Damp Squid”
To become the next guest on the SBS Podcast, take an audio interview with us by clicking here!
To have your music featured on the show, click this link to become the next artist or band we play tunes from on the SBS Podcast!