SBS Live This Week 115

One of our most requested sets comes out of the vault – it’s Nixie from back in 2013! From back in our studio in BC during our first five years, we invited them on out to come rock – and they sure did that! The in-house PA system was literally never the same…busted beyond repair by the end of it all really…and how many times can you come out of an experience like that and feel like it was TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!? Nixie is amazing – we’re stoked to have this full set of their tunes from their time at SBS out there in-full for you all to enjoy – so now that we’ve put it up, tune in & dig it!
Stick around for a bonus video from Jeff Russell JSwole – and we’ve also got spotlights on the music of Amal Saber and Mr Bombay in the mix for ya! Stocked & loaded with entertainment for your eyes & ears at all times – click play and enjoy!