ReLoVe – “Voices”

ReLoVe – “Voices” – Single Review
Do not underestimate this crew.
ReLoVe has been dropping some stellar new tunes online as of late…if ya haven’t been keepin’ them close to your playlists & on your radar, I can assure ya that you’re missin’ out on a lil’ somethin’ special. Word on the street, according to what I can find out there on the ol’ internet is that the Los Angeles-based multi-faceted, multi-player band is currently working on a seven song EP in behind the scenes, and they’ve now given us a couple of verifiable reasons to be excited about what’s to come with the release of singles “Disposable World” and their latest, called “Voices.” If you dig even just a little further, you’ll start reading about the recording process that ReLoVe has been employing this time around as well…which is really a supreme effort to get their best onto wax for us all to enjoy – and believe me when I tell ya, they’ve found an approach that’s got them sounding undeniably better than ever. Combined with the fact that they’re looking to write songs that are willing to dive deeper than the surface of their sunshiny demeanor, ReLoVe has been focused…and they’re executing at an all-star level. Whether that’s the result of setting up a whole bunch of extra mics and shifting their technique in the studio, or simply because of the fact that time & experience generally equates to tighter results along the way…I mean…let’s be real here…for ReLoVe, or for any of you for that matter…when you can audibly hear the difference something you’re doing is making, then yes my good friends, please follow that path.
On the pure merits of their musicianship alone, I’d have more than happily given “Voices” an enthusiastic thumbs-up. From key elements like the insatiable bass-lines of Hussain Jiffry that almost can’t seem to help but stand out for the incredible groove & funk he supplies this tune, to the absolutely remarkable job ReLoVe’s leader Glenn Jost put into the drums – and his vocals for that matter – or the wonderful additions made to the backing vocals…violin, added in by one of the latest members to join their crew via Leah Zeger’s renowned talents…the insightful lyricism…they’ve really got a great single on their hands that I could cite elements from all day long when it comes down to what’s adding up to a seriously high quality listening experience here on ReLoVe’s latest. Beyond any individual aspect we could pick out, it’s the unity they display together in the way they play, how professional and locked right into the moment they are…how genuine ReLoVe is in their purpose & passions…these are the things that lead them forward to such inspired results. They should be extremely proud of what they’ve created with “Voices” and the way they’ve played & performed this song…it’s aces all the way.
Personally, I don’t think there’d be a way to listen to this single and not be impressed by the instrumentation & vocals you’ll find…the professionalism in ReLoVe is radiantly apparent through the way they execute…they’re as dialed-in as you can potentially be right now, and you can hear that in a song like “Voices” from the music to the microphone. I’ll say this…much to their credit, I can’t think of another song out there that’s had me missing the live-scene as much as this one right here does – there’s just something inherent to the sound of ReLoVe that always sounds like you’ve gotta get out there and see what they’re capable of when playing for a live crowd…because that connection between the music, and YOU, is what they genuinely thrive on. I think they’ve gotta give themselves some real credit when it comes to the results here on “Voices,” because I really do feel like they’ve got another outstanding performance that speaks volumes on behalf of how to get that ever-elusive live sound into a recording that every artist & band is so desperately searching for all the time. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not about hand-claps or audience sounds or anything like that…it’s about finding a way to harness that energy boost you feel when playing for other people & sharing your passion – that’s what’s so hard to get onto a recording when there’s no one else around in the studio – yet ReLoVe sounds as inspired as ever on their new single, defying the challenges this whole live-sound effort presents, and achieving it. Like I was tellin’ ya…whatever it is they’re doing right now in 2021, they’ve gotta take a massive look at the process, and understand that what they’re doin’ & how they’re doin’ it…is absolutely, 100% working. Plus…if I’m being real with y’all here…the steady, creative, and capable hands of Jost on the drums gives this band a huge advantage…every player out there would be able to hear his reliability back there, and it gives the opportunity to his cohorts like Victor Bender (Keys) to chime in with more innovative parts, as opposed to always having to worry about carrying the full weight of a song. The rhythm section between Jiffry & Jost is an authentic force to be reckoned with for certain.
While we’d likely have some separation between us in terms of where the “Voices” are coming from, with ReLoVe being a religiously based band & all and myself on the outside of all that, but one of my favorite things about listening to music with this bend is finding what we DO have in common, rather than simply dismiss something because we believe different things. When it comes right down to it, there are so many things that cross over successfully…lines like “blind intuition seems to guide my way” – honestly, I feel the same way; I’ve never ruled anything out as to where that feeling comes from, who the “Voices” might be, or even really questioned the direction my life seems to flow in all that much. That same “blind intuition” has guided me as well – perhaps you too – and wherever you believe that comes from, is more than valid to me…I ain’t here to change anyone’s beliefs or try to convince anyone that something I might think is any more right or true than what you might already naturally believe. And to be fair, while some songs will attempt to do that very thing right there & convert folks within the lyricism…that’s not what ReLoVe is doing at all on “Voices” – they’re singing their truth loud & proud, they’re not forcing the issue; the religious aspects of this song are a natural fit & well-suited to them. At the end of the day, these are “Voices” with positive intentions and altruistic ambitions…I think that no matter who ya are, you gotta admire sentiment like that. If you connect to the religious aspect of what ReLoVe creates, I’m sure you’ll get a little bit more out of a song like this than perhaps some of the rest of us might…but really, what I’m hearing in “Voices” is a single with universal vibes welcoming us in to listen. There’s no judgment here…if you dig what you hear, pull up a chair & sit down, they’ll find some space for ya. To me, there’s no question whatsoever that I’d rather hear something like “Voices,” knowing it was created with genuine sincerity and true passion than another song on the radio about chicks & cars, you know? ReLoVe’s got an interesting tune to absorb here lyrically, and they play it with a magnificent level of heart & professional musicianship…whether you’re hanging at church every Sunday or not, they’ve got plenty in-store for all to enjoy & connect to on this latest single of theirs. Highly entertaining all-around and executed with resounding commitment, “Voices” has vocals with fantastic conviction from the lead to the background, powerfully engaging musicianship on display, brilliant harmonies & lyricism with real perspective…they’ve got a solid single here – great job ReLoVe.
Find out more about ReLoVe at their official website at:
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