Ramhero – “Above It All” Featuring Dream & Txmic

Ramhero – “Above It All” Featuring Dream & Txmic – Single Review
Time to end this decade…got one last single here for ya to remind you to rise “Above It All” – the calendar resets itself once more for us all tomorrow…get yourself ready to make the most of 2020.
Way back towards the beginning of this year, we were first introduced to the music of Ramhero when we reviewed the single “Better I Better You” featuring Leila Capri in mid-February. Squeezing in one last fresh cut for ya before 2019 is finished, Ramhero’s working inside a new collaboration for “Above It All” featuring backup vocals & hooks from Dream, bars from Txmic to bring it home, and production via Xela Mata. As to whether or not this new track is quite as memorable as the previous single could be up for debate amongst the masses listening out there – but there’s no doubt about the fact that Ramhero & his crew of collaborators have put in quality work here on “Above It All” that people are sure to enjoy.
After a quick intro from the main star of the show, Dream takes over to invite you into the new single through soulful hooks that bring a sweetened touch of R&B into the mix through a call & answer approach that has her working her magic through the lead & backup. Musically, it’s a decidedly minimalistic cut when it comes right down to it…but you gotta hand it to Xela Mata for making sure that each element added into the track & every moment of this single counts for something when it all stacks up. The results are a smooth & chill ride through a combination of styles & sounds you could trace back to the roots of Hip-Hop and mid-90’s R&B, assembled into an experience that’s relevant for what’s happening out there today. Especially when you factor in the strong lyrical content of “Above It All” – and you’ll find that applies to everyone on the mic – from Ramhero, to Dream, to Txmic, everyone has something important to say that should be heard…words you’ll discover apply to each of them for their own reasons for sure, but notice how many of these words could apply to you and your own live as well.
Sentiment and ambition reign supreme on “Above It All” – you’ll hear many inspirational observations throughout this cut…at the core of this song, Ramhero reveals a track with a lot of heart, great intentions, and insightful words. He’s having a lil’ bit of fun along the way too, rappin’ up lyrics together like ‘fritos’ and ‘burritos’ to make sure we’re all awake and paying attention. Flow-wise, you’d be lookin’ at a more old-school approach to the bars from the main man on the m-i-c when it comes to “Above It All” – Ramhero brings a classic style to the verses and really punches on those last syllables of each line. He’ll go on to detail a bit of the struggles he’s been through, while also demonstrating the changes he’s made personally through the words he’s written, proving he believes in what he’s spittin’ by the way he raps his lyrics with a noticeably natural honesty. Like, obviously Ramhero’s taken the time to write his words, but he also has an organic way of expressing his thoughts that make the lyrics connect…he’s got a way of making you believe in him and that he’s committed to everything he’s rappin’ about. 2020 will tell the tale for sure…Ramhero’s clearly got some momentum goin’ on now after a solid 2019 – now it’s about taking that energy and passion into the next year and finding more ways to hit that next-level.
When you take a deep listen to his words on “Above It All,” Ramhero will leave you with no doubts about his commitment to his career and how ready he is to overcome any obstacles that stand in his way. I’ve got nothin’ but love for an attitude like that – and like I said, I’d be willing to bet you’ll find that Ramhero blazes through the next year with full confidence and a whole bunch of new tracks – he’s clearly determined and seizing his moment in time. Respect! He’s added another strong cut to his catalog with “Above It All” and chosen wisely in partnering up with Dream and Txmic for this single. Sweet & soulful hooks from Dream, insightful & stylistic words from Ramhero, and Txmic brings his A-game for the very last set of bars on “Above It All” to end this cut on completely solid ground. All indications point to Ramhero working real hard to establish himself out there in the scene and in your speakers – “Above It All” is bound to impress a lot of ears out there, and impact a lot of hearts & minds in the process.
Find music from Ramhero at Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2pPc4YxaCGc0Jy8MkYo10s
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