Pōneke Gin Club – “Will She? (Angela’s Song)” (Acoustic)

 Pōneke Gin Club – “Will She? (Angela’s Song)” (Acoustic)

Pōneke Gin Club – “Will She? (Angela’s Song)” (Acoustic) – Music Video Post

Ayyyy there we go!  This is definitely a tune that I haven’t forgotten from reviewing it in the past back in March of this year & I’d be stoked to listen to any time – and now you’re telling me I can get “Will She? (Angela’s Song)” in acoustic form WITH a video as well?  Sign me up twice!  Pōneke Gin Club have really discovered something special in the midst of “pandemic tedium” – more-so than the vast majority of ya out there I’m sure…they’ve managed to perform the serious magic of turning what’s been the most mundane time in many people’s lives into an incredibly productive outlet for their collective creativity, and parlay that into a pathway forward into the future to follow.  That ain’t too shabby if you ask me!  Check out this beautiful new video they’ve put together to support their genuinely single-worthy song.

The reality is that, I was already a big fan of this song in its original form, which you can verify by having a read through the full review I wrote on “Will She? (Angela’s Song)” earlier this year by clicking here if you’re feelin’ so inclined.  I highly recommend that you do!  Not because I’m in love with my own writing, but because you truly can’t lose with Pōneke Gin Club, or this particular song in any version you can find it in – these cats are simply fantastic at what they do, and the music they’re making stands out for all the right reasons.  Here in the acoustic variation of “Will She? (Angela’s Song),” they somehow manage to enhance the natural beauty in the melody of this song even more, giving their single a stunningly delicate and truly gorgeous palette of irresistible sound that speaks straight to your soul.  You can find this acoustic version of “Will She? (Angela’s Song)” on the Pōneke Gin Club’s brand-new EP called the Cuba St. Sessions: Vol. 1 that is out & available now – and if there’s one thing you can pretty much count on, it’s that if you see a Vol. 1 out there, a Vol. 2 to follow one day is certainly implied!  Lots of great things on the horizon for this band now that the world has opened up & is on its way back to the normal we know – Pōneke Gin Club has an amazing future ahead of them now, and if the quality of their tunes remains as consistently captivating as this one, they’re in excellent shape to not only succeed in any of their goals as a band, but to thrive in this scene we share as a premier act.

Listen to more music by Pōneke Gin Club at Spotify at this link here:  https://open.spotify.com/artist/0QAYCrlPEaeU5zc029HHks

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