Moon And Aries – “The Arrival”

 Moon And Aries – “The Arrival”

Moon And Aries – “The Arrival” – Music Video Post

In my humble opinion, being a dude that’s written about & listened to every form of music under the sun, moon, and stars over the past who-knows-how-long, Trip-Hop remains by & large the most engaging & fascinating style of music there is to be had out there in this beautiful scene we all share.  Don’t get me wrong & don’t get it twisted – lots of great stuff to be found in every genre & that’s always going to remain true – all I’m saying is that if you want a real combination of art in the audible realm, it’s Trip-Hop that you want to be looking into listening to most y’all.  Take Moon And Aries here for example – there’s not a solitary second of the stunningly sleek design of their title-track/lead-single “The Arrival” that’s not as interesting as it is entertaining…this is real exploratory & expressive sound!

There you have it!  You heard it right there for yourself after clicking play up above on the visualizer video supporting “The Arrival” online – and now you know…the synthetically soulful sounds of Moon And Aries are capable of working their magic on ya in a wonderful variety of ways.  Evocative, poetic, thought-provoking, and artful – Jordana Moon knows exactly how to work a mysterious melody for all that it’s got to offer, and you’ll hear a sensationally smooth, fluid, and stylistic performance from her vocals, all throughout this new single.  As for Tom Aries…well…my hat’s off to this man of music every bit as much folks – the sparkling & shimmering structure & design of “The Arrival” has so much depth to it & serves up a vibrantly complementary pairing with the vocals of Jordana, and vice versa, respectively.

In short, for a duo that come from complete opposite corners of the map, these two artists are totally on the same page, and clearly united in their vision for what the music of Moon And Aries can become.  It’s the kind of unified sound you can hear…it’s the sound of balance…of completeness…of creative freedom, art as a priority, unique perspective, and a willingness to explore the craft in ways that others would never dare or dream to…that’s what you hear in the music of Moon And Aries, and it’s fantastic.

I’ll be talking more about “the synth pop opera duo” on the next episode of the SBS Podcast – so make sure to keep your eyes on our pages for that coming out later this week – and you KNOW I’ll be spinning “The Arrival” at some point in the mix as well.  These two have real chemistry between them, and music that reflects their dedicated passion for the art of making it – you can hear the professionalism within each & every ticking second of “The Arrival” and know from the very first moments that you’re in for a solid experience well worth your time, without any of that trepidation or fear on the way into listening.  Your ears will be more than pleased with what they discover – Moon And Aries create authentic audible odysseys made for the mind’s eye, guaranteed to stir the substance of your soul through inspired sound.

From the memorable hooks to the charisma on display throughout the music & vocals combined, Moon And Aries exemplify what great Trip-Hop is truly all about, and nestle right into the sweet-spot where art & sound meet as one in the most mesmerizing of ways.  A high quality experience by every conceivable definition – even the shiny visualizer video is a perfect complement to a single like they’ve got right here – Moon And Aries have got a great thing goin’ on early on into their collaboration together, and if “The Arrival” is an indication of what they’re capable of…we’re all gonna want a whole lot more of what we hear.  It’s artists, bands, and projects truly like Moon And Aries, that challenge the boundaries and push their potential to the fringe & beyond, that find out where the most significant breakthroughs in music can be made…where ideas meet opportunity; and when you’ve got talent like they have to back it up, all the better, of course.

Find out more about Moon And Aries from their official pages below!

Main Website:





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"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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