Mario Marco Farinato – “L’Ultimo Respiro”

 Mario Marco Farinato – “L’Ultimo Respiro”

Check out an awesome live version of Mario Marco Farinato’s “L’Ultimo Respiro” from a session in Woodstock, NY this past December in 2016!

Stunning song from an ever-impressive world-music star – it’s actually a translated cover tune of Canadian singer/songwriter Bruce Cockburn’s original song “Last Night Of The World.”  Have a look at the video here and have a listen – then head on over to the full-review of “L’Ultimo Respiro” to have a listen to the studio version and find out my thoughts on this version from Mario Marco Farinato.

For now, enjoy this video…because I know you will…seems like a real magical moment in time.  Well shot, edited, played & performed – you can tell that Mario Marco plays this one from the heart like it was his very own to begin with and puts everything he has from his emotions to his abilities into the melody of this cover song.  Aka Panchopigna – Mario Marco Farinato continues to impress with his music and continues to serve as a real beacon of love & light out there in the music-scene.

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