Lady Chops & The Goddamn Jam – “Sunset”

 Lady Chops & The Goddamn Jam – “Sunset”

Lady Chops & The Goddamn Jam – “Sunset” – Single Review

Goddamn irresistible if you ask me.

If you were to somehow merge the awesomeness of The Beths and Sunflower Bean, I think you’d get something that sounds pretty close to this…maybe throw in some of that naturally delightful mischievousness and fun we get out of the music of Thelma Ball too for good measure…shake…stir…and BAMMO – “Sunset!”

Alright, I’ll profess that I do not have the EXACT recipe for what creates such greatness…all I can do is tell you what I love to hear, and that this particular single is stocked full of whatever that is.  Lady Chops & The Goddamn Jam – where have you been all my life?  And now that I’ve finally caught up to the rest of the world…there are only a modest handful of tracks previously released to get me by?  No.  NO!  This band needs to kick things into gear…they’ve got something undeniably special that needs to continue.

Word on the street is that they ARE working on that…and I’m gonna have to hold them to their promise.  According to their bio online, they’ve been rocking strong since around 2017, and they’re theoretically releasing pieces of an album as they go.  At least I think so.  Their bio covers what’s up between the years of 2017-2021 mathematically…and here we are in 2023 two years later and still no album?  Crime.  Savage CRIME y’all.  I’d be leaving jobs, calling in sick, and doing nothing else but making music if I had what Lady Chops & The Goddamn Jam have got goin’ on.  Anyhow.  Enough of the fanboy ridicule – at least for now…you get where I’m at I’m sure…I want a whole lot more of what I’m hearing on this new single they’ve got.   The balance in this band is freakin’ spectacular y’all…”Sunset” is stellar, straight-up.

I wouldn’t even know where to start in describing just how much I dig this.  It’s got that Alternative edge to its attitude and melody, it’s got flawless execution that’s gritty and beautiful at the same time, and I honestly felt like Lady Chops & The Goddamn Jam knocked this right outta the park into next Thursday.  This band WORKS yo!  We’re talking about seamless sound and stunning fluidity…melody for miles, and zero weak points.  From getting’ Tasty on the bassy, to Josh’s sparkling guitar vibes, to the crisp beat provided by none other than Nick Manka, who we just reviewed earlier on this week for his debut solo single “This Game,” to the undeniable star of the show they’ve got in singer Bethony Harnden…no joke folks, they’ve got absolutely everything they need to go the distance in this band.  The lyricism is there, the musicianship checks out, the sound is phenomenally addictive…mark my words y’all…eventually we’re all just going to have to agree that Lady Chops & The Goddamn Jam were meant to rule the world.

From what I’ve gathered from that promo picture up top, “Sunset” is coming out officially on the 24th…and that really ain’t all that far away, so set your phone alarms or circle the date on your calendars, or do whatever it is that normal human beings do to remind themselves of things they need to be reminded of.  You get the point – do NOT miss this “Sunset” when it arrives…you’d only be hurting yourselves, and I care about your well-being and want nothing but the best for your ears; this single would be exactly that.  It’s a seriously spectacular hybrid…Pop hooks, Alternative vibes, even some Jazzy aspects to it and/or light Funk at the core of it all too…you get the idea…there’s a lil’ something for everyone, and clearly, a whole lot for me.  I look at it like this…every team has gotta have a superstar that pushes the whole group from goodness to greatness, and they’ve completely got that in Bethony.  She ain’t just good y’all…she’s a goddamn revelation, and she’s got the perfect band backing her up.

Not a thing about this song that I’d remotely change, and the only advice I have for Lady Chops & The Goddamn Jam is to stay the goddamn course and do what they do…they’re completely on the right path.  I mean…obviously I want MORE music and I’ve made that plenty clear…but that’s on me – I’m ferociously greedy when it comes to the great stuff coming outta my speakers.  From what I’ve read, they’re setting up to make that happen…their new album Time IS in the works, so I’ll find whatever last thread of patience I’ve got and do my best to wait it out.  In the meantime, I stand by what I said earlier y’all…they should quit whatever the heck is keeping them from making music full-time and go live the dream 24/7…talent like this should never sit idly on the shelf, not even for a moment.  Get in the van yo!  And then like, drive all the way from Austin, Texas, up here to Canada just to play a show just for this one specific dude writing this review because that’s gotta be worth the gas, right?  This band is as ready for the spotlight as you’ll ever hear, and I’m stoked for you all to confirm that for yourselves when “Sunset” drops on the 24th this month.

Until that magical day arrives, learn more about Lady Chops & The Goddamn Jam at their official website at:

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