i.S. the WizARd – “Calm In The Chaos”

 i.S. the WizARd – “Calm In The Chaos”

i.S. the WizARd – “Calm In The Chaos” – Music Video Post

Is it fair to say I love what I’m seeing here, even if I’m still not all that sure about what it is I’m actually lookin’ at?  What can I say…I dig colorful videos, unique scenes, multi-dimensional visuals, and the raw grittiness you get from i.S. the WizARd’s music echoed through the look of what you see onscreen.  Again, I’m not 100% sure I know exactly what I’m seeing here, but it appears to be some kind of like…adventure to the lair of a Jaeger…you know, one of those giant robot-like things from the Pacific Rim series…a mechanical exoskeleton that can make us mere mortals larger than life, and machine-like.  Trust me when I tell ya…we don’t need to know every detail in order to enjoy something onscreen when it comes to a video that looks like this…half of its allure is right there in the fact that there darkness of the scenes & filtered visual overlays give it a mysterious look that has your eyeballs peeled & scrutinizing everything they can make out.  Visually I felt like “Calm In The Chaos” worked out brilliantly, giving us something we genuinely get interested & invested in…we want to see what we can see, and when things become clear for a moment or two in a flash or quick edit from scene to scene, you’ll absolutely love what you see.  There’s significant style at work here, and ultimately it’s a pairing that works strongly with the kind of cut that i.S. the WizARd is going for…you can hear the calm, you can hear the chaos too – and visually, he’s got that reflected in an equally clever way through what you’ll see in the video supporting this single.  With big hooks and conscious Hip-Hop vibes, “Calm In The Chaos” comes from his latest record called Rebirth, which has the cut “Dichotomy” that we posted up earlier this year, along with another sixteen tracks in the mix for ya as well – make sure to hit up his pages and check it all out!

Find more music by i.S. the WizARd at Spotify here:  https://open.spotify.com/artist/5tFaFUHd7NZlH0wUaI9u9c

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