Franki Love – “Lullaby”

 Franki Love – “Lullaby”

Franki Love – “Lullaby” – Single Review

It doesn’t get any better than what you’ll read on the about pages of Franki Love’s social media…the purest of intentions are right there in plain English; if you look under interests, you’ll read a mission statement of sorts…”To serve humanity with love & music.” I ask you dear readers – does it get any better than that as an introduction to someone BEFORE you’ve even heard a single note? I truly don’t think it does…and with a gift of beauty on both the inside and out – this stunning performer sings sweetly from the heart with incredible raw emotions spilling out all over the vocals.

“Lullaby” is one of those real time-stoppers. It’s authentic in the delivery…you can feel she hits these notes as she’s intending as an artist…not striving for perfection in tone as much as communicating the feelings and emotions behind the music, and Franki does a fantastic job of taking us with her into her world.

Perfection comes in many forms…and sometimes not everything about a particular scenario needs to be perfect for the entire moment to come out perfect…am I making myself perfectly clear? Okay…let me try again… Some of my favourite singers are some of the most emotional ones out there…the ones that know there’s nothing more important than captivating the heart & mind with genuine conviction behind the words and sometimes nothing more. Maybe they slip a note, maybe come out a little pitchy…maybe they’ve left behind traditional ‘singing’ sounds for the moment to truly communicate with us all.

The isolated innocence, melancholy vibe & beautiful melody that Franki Love has created on her new single “Lullaby” is a real treasure of a moment…she sings this one nearly at the top of her range for most of the song! She’s written a tough one to sing in that respect, and for what it’s worth I think she’s done a tremendous job of creating a real depth of mood & atmosphere on “Lullaby.” It’s a fine line for sure that she walks almost all the way through the song…like walking on a frozen pond and hoping that the ice won’t break as you get closer to its true center.

I not only think she’s found a great song with “Lullaby,” but I think in this day & age that this is the kind of performance that the people will rally for. I like to think in a lot of ways that I AM those people…or at least get to speak on our behalf at times…and I’m telling you that the honesty you’ll hear in Franki Love’s voice and delivery will send chills down your spine…because it sounds REAL. And in saying that…she’s either a hell of an actor with a beautiful voice to match, or she really could one day take this authentic style of hers right towards the top. These are the real sounds of human emotion we all crave at times.

Because behind real passion is true determination; and behind true determination is a reason driving someone to communicate – these are the qualities you can audibly hear in Franki Love’s sweet tones as she lets unmistakably real emotions fuel her performance on “Lullaby.” It’s a fantastic introduction to a singer/song-writer who has shown courage and skill in this first sample of her music…and again, the piano-playing is nearly just as gorgeous as the lady herself. Franki Love’s got a great start to something good here with “Lullaby;” and with a full album – OTIAS – being released this year – I’m interested to see exactly where this heartfelt & genuinely emotional entertainer will take her beautiful voice & music to next.

Find out more about Franki Love at her official page at:

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