Ejima – “Bail It”

Ejima – “Bail It” – Single Review
Well…here we are again…kind of?
We’ve got a re-released version of “Bail It” from Ejima in review today. Those of you out there that have been reading these pages of ours might remember reading about this single when I originally reviewed it back in 2018, over six years ago now. You know what I always say around these pages of ours – keep on promoting your music until you’re absolutely 100% positive that the entire world has heard it! I respect this duo recirculating this single, and unless you’ve already heard it, then it’s still NEW music to you, right? There’s never a bad time to bring attention to a great tune – I’m all about it.
The real question is, is there anything I can tell you about “Bail It” that I haven’t told ya before? That part I’m not so sure of. I really liked this song back when I first heard it, and I still like it now! If anything, I suppose what I can confirm is that “Bail It” still holds up strong years and years later, sounding like it’s just as fresh as if had only been written yesterday – and that’s not easy to accomplish y’all. Credit where credit is due, Ejima’s single has truly endured and weathered the storm of the test of time. Believe me when I tell ya, “Bail It” sounds like it’s designed for now and contains a fully relevant vibe for what’s happening out there in the R&B scene. The vocals are sensational, the music is flawless too – the ingredients to “Bail It” are fairly minimal, but the attention to detail is pretty much second to none, which produces results that reveal a seamless fluidity between the music & vocals that you’ll hear.
I think that…there might even be an argument to be made that “Bail It” could be even more relevant now than it would have been when I first heard it back in 2018 – Ejima might have been ahead of their time when this single got its initial release. As we all know, this whole music industry is largely based on finding the right time to get your music heard, and there’s a solid chance that “Bail It” could be reintroduced to an even wider audience now than it was before, depending on how they go about it of course. The song really seesm to have a genuinely timeless vibe to it though, and that definitely works in favor of a re-release situation. Ejima sounds classy, elegant & stylistic on “Bail It” – and all of those elements stack up to a high quality listening experience that you’re never going to find me complaining about.
Do I wonder about what ELSE Ejima has in their catalog with this being the one song I’ve known about in the six years I’ve known about’em for? Sure! I think that’s a really fair question to ask, and one that is bound to come up with those that have been following along from afar. It’s one thing to promote a track a couple times throughout the course of a career, but it also invites the question of where the new music from Ejima has been hiding too…because if there’s one thing I think we can all agree on after having a listen to “Bail It,” it’s that we’d all want MORE of what we hear from this duo! Time to refresh all those social media links and tidy up the broken ones that are currently floating around the internet if you ask me…there’s no reason that I can think of, or hear, that Ejima shouldn’t be making music on a full-time basis if they’re not already – and if they are, than that’s an even better reason to make sure their presence online is as connected as it can be & ready for those booking to continually roll in.
Anyhow. All that stuff is easy to do and only takes an afternoon. Ejima’s already got the hard part done & created what’s essentially a flawless, single-worthy song that has massive amounts of natural appeal to it. “Bail It” is every bit as irresistible as I remember it being, and I’m stoked to have it back in my speakers here again. You will be too! It’s always awesome to revisit music that we love, and I’m thankful that I’ve had the opportunity to listen to “Bail It” again after all this time. Now get back into the studio Ejima…it’s time to keep the momentum moving forward and hear what else you can do!
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