Diamonds From Space – “Catch The Rainbow”

Diamonds From Space – “Catch The Rainbow” – Single Review
Highly impressive stuff from the mind of David Meixner in his new solo project Diamonds From Space – you don’t hear too many debut tunes come out sounding this complete. That being said, while it IS technically a debut single, let’s not forget the man’s been entertaining us already for years as part of the band known as Betweenzone…so he’s definitely got many advantages over anyone just starting out. In many ways, we’ve got every reason to expect excellence from this guy when it comes to the art of music-making, but there’s also something to be said for living up to the weight of expectations too.
You’re certainly not going to find any complaints outta me here. I’d probably go as far as to say this is one of the better songs I’ve heard from the guy over the past six years of listening to music that he’s made. Dude’s been on a really impressive role as of late…some of my favorite tunes from Betweenzone have come out in this past year or so, and hearing what he’s created here for “Catch The Rainbow” is yet another indication that Dave has really hit the sweet spot when it comes to inspiration. He’s clearly got the right mindset & motivation to get creative at the moment, and it’s awesome to hear the man come out with such stellar results on a consistent basis. Meixner is really thriving in his craft right now, and it’s something that anyone paying half an ear’s attention can easily hear. I put on “Catch The Rainbow” for the first time and immediately felt like it was not just a great song for him on a personal level, or even just an excellent way to debut a new solo project – it’s honestly one of the better tunes of 2024.
So to start out with something so strong…well…I’m not even sure what to say about that – it’d genuinely be extremely tough to keep up with a standard set this high! What makes me smile is that I know he’ll give it the ol’ college try, as they say. Meixner is a man made of music, and always has been from the moment I first crossed paths with him way back whenever that was. He’s often at his best when he trusts his instincts for Pop hooks and allows that to be the dominant trait in his songwriting. You might still find his music in other genres & such, but you can still create hybrid tunes that rely on a solid Pop-based backbone – and to me, that’s where you really find the guy excelling on a consistent basis. Hearing a song like “Catch The Rainbow” lean right into its Indie-Pop sound was nothing short of wonderful to experience. That’s not to knock against anything he’s previously created in Betweenzone either – I love so many of those tunes, and in fact, if I did have any observations about what he’s creating in Diamonds From Space, it all comes from questioning the move to go solo and/or the reasons as to why that would be. In my personal opinion, I prefer it when there’s an audible difference to an artist’s music when they go solo – because if there isn’t, why not do what you do with your original band, you know what I mean? So while it’s not a criticism necessarily, I would tell ya that I’m not hearing a ton of difference between what I hear in “Catch The Rainbow” and something that he could have created under the umbrella of Betweenzone. Only Dave knows what the reasoning would be for why he chose to choose a different moniker to put this single out under, and I’m certainly not complaining about anything I hear – but audibly, it does sound like it still could have been a part of the Betweenzone catalog, so it is a little surprising to find that he’s taken the solo route this time around.
Nailed it all the way through though as far as I’m concerned. Strong verses, stellar chorus, perfectly flawless execution…the sincerity in his vocal melody adds meaning to support his lyricism, the music is delicate but entirely effective…I really don’t think he could have gotten an ounce more out of this song beyond what we already hear him doing with it. Do I want more music from Diamonds In Space? You betcha! There’s no harm in having another creative outlet at the end of the day. I might wanna hear it contain a bit more of an audible difference to distinguish what he’s doing with his solo music that’ll set it apart from what he’s done with his band, but I’m really not gonna complain either way…you find music this stunning and you really just want more of it, however it ends up being packaged or labeled. Excellent job all around Dave – I absolutely love this new single of yours – it’s a beautifully gentle anthem built of sweetness & positivity that is guaranteed to lift the spirits of everyone listening.
Find music by Diamonds From Space at Spotify here:
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