FREEDOM OF SPEECH: Alright everyone – thanks for coming by! I’ve got a ton to say today, to the point where there’s even less of a probability of brevity in this blog than normal; consider yourselves warned! When I left you last time in the official dated blog postings – I mentioned the upcoming review […]Read More
First of all – THANK EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU reading this blog – you’re the very same wonderful people supporting our other popular pages on Facebook and YouTube, along with our Supernova site, which just passed the 100,000 view anymore! And YES I know it’s not proper form to use a comma within […]Read More
Yesterday was a very encouraging day my friends – thank you for that outpouring of incredibly heartfelt support…tremendously appreciated and inspiring – hence I’m here and in your face with all the other details I couldn’t fit in yesterday and new ones already from these last 24 hours….here we go! SBS LIVE THIS WEEK! It […]Read More
First of all, let me say to you wonderful people that read my blog that I appreciate you coming back to read what I have to say after having been absent from really posting a new one since the end of JUNE. Crazy! I’ve never gone that long without being in touch before…I better explain…but […]Read More
Oh my. I started this on June 9th…be prepared! It seems that on any given week that goes by we can end up doing something outside of our original intentions – that beautiful opportunity to step outside our comfort zone and participate in some of the most real and genuine moments we’ve been a part […]Read More
Each and every day that we live and breathe we can find another opportunity for ourselves to help and assist someone else. It was long ago that any of our SBS Alumni lived a life that is simply about themselves – now we look for these incredible moments where we can help you in your […]Read More
Jeez! With the amount of time in between postings here on this blog you’d almost assume I was never really here at all…..not the case, I assure you…. So! Where have I been in this last little while? Covering the Vancouver Island Music Awards and shaking hands with some great friends and musicians we had […]Read More
I’m always excited to reach out to you all through this written medium and we’re not quite ready to break the silence on SBS Live This Week just yet….but soon! Everytime I log in here though, I really wish I got to this writing stuff a little more – but we all know how much […]Read More
As I’ve mentioned to the online contacts from bands and artists that have come through SBS in the past – it’s pretty easy to see from online postings whether the content owners are busy or in some form of flux as the postings all tend to die down or stop altogether. We all create in […]Read More