Campfires And Coffees – “The Walk Of Us”

 Campfires And Coffees – “The Walk Of Us”

As we explained earlier on today in our full review of the new Campfires And Coffees single “The Walk Of Us” – we’re here to support this band in every way and help celebrate the release of one seriously fantastic new tune.  Artist Stephen Juanito, the man behind the music & vocals of Campfires And Coffees, has also got himself a lyric-video to help assist in getting this song out there into the world where it belongs – and it’s high time we let you have a look at it right here on our pages after having so many good things to say about it, wouldn’t you say?  Pay close attention to the message you’ll find here in “The Walk Of Us” and the resounding strength you’ll find in the chorus…Campfires And Coffees will remind us that “you are not alone” – no matter how big this planet is at times, we’re all connected…and this stunning new single here is a brilliant reminder of that fact through the most sincere of sounds.  An undeniably passionate artist with his head & heart clearly in the game, Campfires And Coffees is just getting started, and is already ready for that next-level when it comes to the professionalism on display and the stellar songwriting you’ll experience.  Check this out for yourself, and let this inspiring & uplifting song provide that good-good food for your soul as you listen – Campfires And Coffees have got that authentic magic you’re looking to listen to – have a listen & a look at “The Walk Of Us” below!

Find out more about Stephen Juanito at his official homepage at:

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