Big Bus Dream – “Hello”

 Big Bus Dream – “Hello”

Big Bus Dream – “Hello” – Single Review

Being unique is comparable to a double edged sword.”  #IFeelSeen

I tend to remember a lot of things, most of them are trivial, but some of them are helpful along the way.  That was a quote that came to me in response of posting up my thoughts on the album C’mon Dream by Big Bus Dream last year.  Y’all know what I say…live by the sword, die by the sword.  Some folks get me, others don’t, and I’ve learned to sleep in the same comfortable position every single night regardless.  It would be weird for a critic to get bent outta shape by things people say when that’s what we do on a professional level…or at least semi-professional in my case – but heck yeah, I still remember what’s said along the way throughout my travels in response to my work and how it tends to resonate with people.

Anyhow.  Big Bus Dream is returning this year with what is regarded to be the second half of the ‘music from dreams’ collection, which is built from music that is inspired by the dreams of our Big Bus driver, Mike Shannon.  “Hello” is officially out online today as far as I know, and serves as the first single being released from the record, which is rumored to be coming out later this month on the 23rd if everything goes according to plan.  I would reckon that “Hello” somewhat tells the story of what it’s like to be on our side of dreams, wondering whether or not the images we’re seeing can actually see us too in return.  Which is a neat concept if I’ve got that correct…I only ever tend to theorize of course – only the writers and creators and artists behind the music I’m listening to ever know the full story for sure, but I think I’ve got a decent theory on what “Hello” is about, and I dig it.  We’re usually so caught up in the story of whatever it is we’re dreaming about to really consider whether or not our dreams can see us, which is the advantage of being awake I suppose…we can think about all that now and get our collective ponder on.  I think if I was to walk around in dreamland wondering about whether or not I was able to be seen, I’d be saying the same thing as Mike is in this first single from Hello the album – “hello, can you see me?”  I suppose if I could somehow think about it, when the option is out of my control and my eyeballs are busy doing that fluttering REM thing, I’d want to know!  I like my time to serve a purpose for the most part, and I feel like it would be a lot more heartbreaking to find out no one even knew I was there after having a long conversation with some part of my dream assuming that they could see me that whole time.  Imagine saying all those words and then just like…no response?  I get enough of that in real life!

Of course, “Hello” could just as easily be written from the dream’s perspective too.  Maybe they’re the ones wondering if they’re ever actually being seen, or if the imagery we’re watching like movies in our mind are just roaming the halls of our thoughts like invisible ghosts, unappreciated.  Like many of the things you’ll find Mike creates, there’s a lot of room for interpretation and self-projection…internalizing what you think he means and applying that to your own world…that kind of stuff.  “Hello” isn’t stuffed with a whole lot of words, it actually possesses a significant amount of space, which I’d assume that those of us listening fill in with our thoughts about what this may or may not be about.  To be real with you though, I feel like Big Bus Dream has got a fairly charming single here in “Hello” and a song that would likely benefit from getting the whole video treatment & such in support of its release – I mean, if I’ve gotten anywhere close to the core of its theme, that would make for cool visual entertainment, would it not?  Roaming through dreams, saying “Hello” to them all in hopes they might say “Hello” back – that would make for an excellent video to pair with an excellent concept/song to go with it in my opinion.  Is it unique though?  C’mon y’all…it’s Big Bus Dream…that’s the whole thing about this project – you really couldn’t hear it any other way, and if you can come up with another name out there, artist or band that you feel like would be completely comparable to Big Bus Dream, I’ll happily eat my hat.  So yes…of course it’s unique…double edged sword or not, that’s the objective reality we’re livin’ in outside of the dreams.  Do I enjoy it?  Quite a bit to be equally truthful.  Just because a song ain’t typical doesn’t mean it can’t find room on your playlist.  I feel like it’s fair to say that anything by Big Bus Dream so far is probably a little bit on the mood-dependent side of sound…as in, you’ll know when you’re in the right mood for it and that’s not necessarily going to be every day – but so what?  Most music falls into that category in some way, shape, or form.  All you can ever do is bring the best you can to what you do, cross your fingers and hope that someone sees you or hears you for who you are.  That’s how art works.

I dig that there’s personality in what Big Bus Dream does – and in the context of this particular single, I feel like it comes through brilliantly in both the vocals AND the music.  Like, listen to how the guitar chimes in as the song progresses…it’s noticeable in all the right ways, and adds another layer of charm  endearing sound to what we hear.  As for Mike, he’s got a solid presence as a frontman…and while that is never likely to be summed up as ordinary by anyone listening, he wields his uniqueness like the sword it’s meant to be creatively & artistically, and as a result, he’s carving out a place for himself and his music within the indie scene.  “Hello” is a good tune, and you should listen to it.  I like the way this dude makes songs that’ll make you think in a different way than the rest out there tend to, and I welcome his uniqueness with open arms.

Find out more about Big Bus Dream from the official website at:

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