"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

Parsa Sleighter – Soundcloud Singles

Parsa Sleighter – Soundcloud Singles – Singles Reviewed Strikes me as an interesting person…Parsa Sleighter seems to have the weight of the world on his shoulders throughout the emotional material I’ve heard from his upcoming EP Solitary. Or at least I think that’s the case…I’m not entirely 100% sure…according to the write-up on Soundcloud, Parsa […]Read More

Marcelo Camela – Celebrate The King – A Christmas Album

Marcelo Camela – Celebrate The King – A Christmas Album – Album Review Not even a creature was stirring… Okay…you know what? Whomever wrote that originally certainly never lived near a music-studio, nor did this person write about & listen to music all-day every day; there are many creatures a stirring and Christmas music has […]Read More

H.A.Z.E. The MC – H.A.Z.E. (Haters Always Zeroout Everyone) The

H.A.Z.E. The MC – H.A.Z.E.(Haters Always Zeroout Everyone) The EP – Singles Reviewed You run into some interesting situations on this side of the screen sometimes. Here in this case, we have H.A.Z.E. The MC…he’s just released H.A.Z.E. (Haters Always Zeroout Everyone) The EP…he just doesn’t seem to have a copy himself after a computer […]Read More

William Elvin

Interview with William Elvin SBS: William – thanks so much for joining us and taking some time to talk to us all! We are about half a world away from each other location-wise with you being based in Hong Kong and us here in Canada; and as I was sitting here typing this out at […]Read More

SBS Podcast With Ryan & Jer 017

Excellent new podcast episode with an interview between Ryan @ SBS and singer/song-writer Trev Conkey! Also featuring music by Lovers Of Fiction and Jehry Robinson – check it out! To become the next guest on the SBS Podcast, take an audio interview with us by clicking here! To have your music featured on the show, […]Read More

James Moore

When I first looked into James Moore, CEO of Independent Music Promotions and author of the book Your Band Is A Virus…I had no real purpose other than to see what options were out there for independent musicians and poke around for information; it was sheer curiosity and a quest for knowledge that took me […]Read More

Alex Rosselli – On The Beach

Alex Rosselli – On The Beach – EP Review Interesting creations from Alex Rosselli…he’s recently jumped-aboard the experimental/soundscape train and heading off into all kinds of new atmospheres and discovering new musical terrain. At the end of the day, the music Alex is making incorporates a strong vibe of fusion, free-jazz progressions and the signature […]Read More

Tome – Where Little Has Grown Before

Tome – Where Little Has Grown Before – EP Review It’s been about a year since we’ve visited with the music of Tome and what the band is up to…and wouldn’t you know it – they’re back with a brand-new record, Where Little Has Grown Before. It could just be my memory…but this new EP […]Read More