"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

0136 – Magik Spells Album III

Here’s a final look at one of the first acts we interviewed on SBS Live This Week – Magik Spells!  Even though I’m 99% sure they hated me by the end – we still had fun at the time of for sure.  Magik Spells continue to be one of the most popular bands we’ve had […]Read More

Harmony Drive – Metal Heads With Broken Hearts

Harmony Drive – Metal Heads With Broken Hearts – Album Review Gonna have to get me the full-story behind this album title one day…it had me bracing myself unnecessarily for an entirely different sound where people would be screaming at me and distortion would be turned up to 11.  Instead – I got the smooth […]Read More

Sun.Set.Ships – Man.Must.Explore

Sun.Set.Ships – Man.Must.Explore – EP Review The biggest challenge in this whole music-journalism is listening to a sea of music that doesn’t always gel with our own personal taste.  The endless amount of DIY artists out there these days can get reviewers hung up on production without even hearing the ideas in the song, which […]Read More

0135 – Overdose (Demo Sessions 2013)

Sadly…the bad news of this story was that this band never made it out of these demo-sessions…but before they broke up officially in 2013, Overdose rocked the SBS jamspace with their grunged-up music as they started their way into their music career.  Absolutely awesome time with Dakota, Tyler and Alex…and it was truly too bad […]Read More


I had a positively awesome time talking music with Em from the electro-project known as Plike – what a cool lady! As we talk about all-things music, she’s extremely open and honest in her answers about what’s important in music and how the songs of Plike are formed and written…we talk personal-stuff, professional-stuff…and she’ll drop […]Read More

The SLVR Tongues – “Johnny Cash”

The SLVR Tongues – “Johnny Cash” – Single Review Regardless of my own personal feelings towards Country-music, I can certainly still recognize a strong song in the genre when I hear one – and The SLVR Tongues have themselves a boot-stomping monster of a hit on their hands with their new single “Johnny Cash.”  Stocked […]Read More

Eric Hausmann – Troika

Eric Hausmann – Troika – EP Review Multi-instrumentalist Eric Hausmann gets his groove on right away on his latest EP Troika with the opening song “School Haus” full of rhythm and energy as it winds and twists from beginning to end.  This track peaked my interest early; in some ways you can hear it partly […]Read More

SBS Podcast 013

It’s about damn time we got into some fan mail and questions for the show’s host, Jer @ SBS!  Fearlessly answering questions that have been sent in from listeners and followers, join Jer @ SBS as he pulls questions out of a bowl and puts out some thoughts on what’s happening in the independent music-scene […]Read More

Toner – “Falling Short” (Demo)

Toner – “Falling Short” (Demo) – Single Review Right on!  Been a while since I’ve heard a demo-tune…I know that’s not always the most exciting thing for other people out there, but for me personally, I love it.  Demo songs allow you to hear the real essence of the idea without all the added bells […]Read More

åMBe – Enemy Of The People

åMBe – Enemy Of The People – EP Review What on earth is not to absolutely LOVE about this?  My experience with åMBe’s new EP Enemy Of The People has been a seriously breathtaking one…the innovative approach of this artist is nothing short of stunning and the music is a beautiful mix of rhythm, melody […]Read More