THE iDENTiTY CRiSiS And King George – “The Bottom Of The Ocean” – Music Video Release! Check out the latest from the collaborative efforts between THE iDENTiTY CRiSiS and King George on one of the singles from their upcoming EP called A Dark Light Vol. 1 being released officially on Jan. 6th! Solid rhythm & […]Read More
Christopher T – “Do It Again (Better Dayz)” – Single Review Excellent uplifting energy on Christopher T’s exciting new electro-groove called “Do It Again (Better Dayz)” – I feel like I’ve had this track on repeat all night long here! Mind you, I’ve been bouncing back & forth between two versions of the new-single…so that […]Read More
Arda & The Stolen Moon – Minutes Into Years – Album Review Wow! First impressions! First thing I saw was the cost on the ‘Super Ltd Edition’ and the fact that Arda & The Stolen Moon have already impressively sold half of the stock on this particular version, which retails at €75…and I tried as […]Read More
Chaz Chambers – “Grey (She Smiles)” – Single Review I suppose it’s been nearly two years since last we got our hands/ears on some new stuff from the reliable source of music-entertainment known as Chaz Chambers. Always enjoyed this guy’s ideas in his writing…there’s a uniqueness in Chaz’s music that I believe comes incredibly naturally […]Read More
A Resolution To Steel My Resolve I’ll fully admit to writing the title of this article and then looking up the exact meaning to make sure it was getting across what I really wanted to say here today. Turns out it was definitely what I was looking for…I wanted something that sounded like something I’d […]Read More
MASSIVE congratulations to The Quality Of Mercury for becoming our official BEST NEW SOUND of 2016! The final days of our search led to an enormous amount of votes coming through, and it was great to see even those that were trailing still gained ground right up until the moment it was all over. I’d […]Read More
Billy Roberts And The Rough Riders – “Blood And Bones” – Single Review Wild Bill returns on his pursuit towards the next record for Billy Roberts And The Rough Riders with a new single called “Blood And Bones” from the upcoming album Greenbah. I’ve notoriously enjoyed quite a bit of their straight-to-the-bone rock-music in the […]Read More
Dave’s Neck – “Knock Knock Idiot” – Single Review You know…not only has global warming significantly increased in the past decade, but so has the amount of genres in music! How come no one talks about the rise of those to the dangerous levels we experience today? I swear they’re threatening to take over the […]Read More
RJ Griffith – Prey – EP Review + Bonus Singles Faith-based music really needs a champion like this. For real – it’s not like it’s any kind of secret or anything…music that carries the good word has nearly always proven to be savagely tough to slog through in any genre. From the all-too-gentle acoustic guitar-strummin’ […]Read More
Another fantastic quarter has gone by, leaving but one and only one quarter left for you to cast your vote and support your favorite nomination for this year’s Best New Sound to be immortalized on our site forever on our Wall Of Fame being installed first thing in the new year! 3/4 into the voting […]Read More