"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

SBS Live This Week 071

Check out a full-set of hip-hop from rapper Napz Meka live out of Olympia in Surrey, BC from 2014 when we first saw him on stage during our first five years! Bonus video from Joshua & Kristina for their new single “Higher” and spotlights on new hip-hop/rap music from MC² and 1 Donnel – enjoy!Read More

Jack Of None – “The Brainwashers”

Jack Of None – “The Brainwashers” – Single/Video Review Alrighty…so…if there’s one thing you already know about me, it’s that I love music, that’s probably no secret to anyone out there.  If there are two things you know about me, chances are the second one is that I love cartoons…like…probably more than a healthy adult […]Read More

Static Choke – “Vocalized”

Static Choke – “Vocalized” – Single Review Leave it to Static Choke to buck tradition, restrictions and the natural order of things as per the music industry – like, everyone knows new tunes come out on Tuesdays.  Yet here we are…they’ve gotten me out of bed early on a Saturday with the release of their […]Read More

NatStar – “GIMME”

Wicked video and confident cut from rapper NatStar, “GIMME” has got a seriously addictive vibe.  With precision flow and deadly movement on the mic, NatStar takes the effects for a ride through the wild, dynamic hooks of his new single, bossin’ his way through the cut like he was born to do it.  “GIMME” sounds […]Read More

Shaka Banton – Mi Vida

Shaka Banton – Mi Vida – EP Review Interesting.  It’s definitely not like rapper/trapper Shaka Banton doesn’t know where the beat is in the bars of the music he’s rhyming to…he does…but he makes…hmm…interesting choices on the mic that others wouldn’t; and for those of you that have tried to go left instead of right […]Read More

Flicker And Fade – “Tension”

Check out a rad new video/song from Seattle-based alternative-rock band Flicker And Fade called “Tension” from their latest EP, Start A Fire.  Seriously kickass editing & ideas in the video for “Tension” that work incredibly well alongside the blazing, melodic-hooks that this three-piece put into the sound of their new single.  Energetic, sincere and solidly […]Read More

Charming Timur – Focused Rage

Charming Timur – Focused Rage – Album Review You know…for just one man this guy sure keeps busy.  Santeri Lohi of the Nu-Metal/Experimental Noise-Rock project Charming Timur is back…for what’s actually the sixth time in four years if you can believe it; and believe it or not, I haven’t even reviewed the entirety of his […]Read More

In Closing – In Closing

In Closing – In Closing – EP Review I’ve been writing for years about that…that thing…that indescribable feeling you get when you hear something extraordinary…that tingle in your spine…that chill that runs through you when you stumble upon music from an artist or band that seems to resonate within the fabric of your DNA…THAT thing.  […]Read More

BRB & JackEL – “Late Summer”

BRB & JackEL – “Late Summer” – Single Review Sign me up for an enthusiastic YES to this…BRB & JackEL have got themselves a chilled-out winner with their new collaboration/single called “Late Summer” – perfect timing too as far as the seasonal reference goes ain’t it? I get it though…it makes sense to me and […]Read More

EZLA – “Outcasts”

EZLA – “Outcasts” – Single Review Definitely something special happening here in the music of EZLA.  I’ve been a longstanding critic of what I call the ‘Nashville’ effect on songwriting and how it can turn uniqueness into the generic…but I’m thankful that while it might have put EZLA in touch with some key contacts that […]Read More