Congratulations on the nomination! onetwothreescream – Lit Nominated for the incredible songwriting & melodies that came to life so vibrantly on onetwothreescreams’ EP Lit – the duo of Mark Addison and Jana Pochop deserve a ton of credit for such a remarkably expressive & colorful debut. As genuinely fun as it was powerfully emotional and […]Read More
Ex-Okay – Awkward Silence – Album Review I don’t think I’ll ever get tired about reading a band’s journey to get to their debut record. That’s the part they leave out of that whole ‘you get a lifetime to make your first album and two weeks to make your second’ adage – everyone gets what […]Read More
Got a loud one for ya full of wild tunes before we try & find some Christmas cheer on the next episode – on this one, we’re celebrating all things Rock and taking some random questions from the infamous bowl-o-questions sent in by SBS fans. It’s been at least a year or so since we’ve […]Read More
New set out of the vault! Come watch The Pit slay a set from the Exotica Showlounge on our First Five Years series on SBS Live This Week – and stick around for an ill new vid from rapper Grim Singmuf in the mix as an added bonus for ya!Read More
Congratulations on the nomination! Maxsel – Trip To The Lost World Nominated for the wildly imaginative sounds & ideas that soared through the instrumentals on Maxsel’s album Trip To The Lost World – this axe-slayer proved he’s got incredible skills and the ability to do everything he wants to in music all on his own. […]Read More
Heavy AmericA – “Easy Killer” – Single Review Been nearly two years to the day since we last had Boston-based Rock-band Heavy AmericA on our pages, back when we reviewed their single “Pray For Me” in 2016. Who knows what the boys have been up to since then…they’re back with a strange one here with […]Read More
With an absolutely deadly beat produced by AVDDXCT that unleashes the wild creativity, hooks, and straight-up beastly Trap flow from Krokothegawd – dude proves he’s an unstoppable force on the mic that can detonate & explode at a moment’s notice. The caption at the beginning of his video for the single “Tourist,” which he also […]Read More
Thomas Resurrection – YouTube Singles – Singles Review Always dig running into an artist that’s involved in all aspects of their art & music like Stéphane Thomas Durocher, the man behind the music of Thomas Resurrection. Dude’s back after what seems like a roughly four year stretch in between his first two singles “Rainshine” & […]Read More
Congratulations on the nomination! D.Ni.L – Boy.Inside Nominated for the purely killer sounds & ideas that rampage through the rap/rock combo on D.Ni.L album Boy.Inside – this dude beat the odds in life and has clearly made a full recovery with a badass career in music. With a highly creative, fusion-based sound, and a no-holds-barred […]Read More
thE.brOKen – “Left To Our Devices” – Music Video Release/Review I feel like I’ve been saying this for at least a couple weeks straight here at the homepage, but New Zealand is clearly where it’s at right now when it comes to music – I love what I’ve been hearing coming from that entire region […]Read More