"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

FZY – Act 3: The Preacher

FZY – Act 3: The Preacher – Album Review If there was anyone out there still doubting the love I’ve expressed for FZY over the years here at SBS, surely that must have been silenced at the end of last year when I put his record Act 2: Frozen Youth onto our annual top ten […]Read More

Jacques – “Love Isn’t Good Enough”

“Did you get my message?” Loud and clear Jacques, loud and clear…sometimes “Love Isn’t Good Enough” – #truth. Soulful artist Jacques is singin’ out the pain and heartbreak to you all on his latest single.  As many of you out there already know full well, the game of love is one of the hardest to […]Read More

SBS Separated 2020 Day 31/31: Limblifter – “Hostess”

SBS Separated returns for March 2020!  Catch all kinds of amazing music, unseen moments & unreleased live footage throughout the entire month.  We’d never accuse Limblifter of breaking the whole planet…all we’re saying is that we basically saw them play (incredibly) live and then the system seemed to shut down globally right afterwards to protect […]Read More

Rian Music – 4th St.

Rian Music – 4th St. – Album Review I dig records like this…fully collaborative…Rian Music has a ton of guest-stars & featured talent throughout this album called 4th St. that has each song offering something unique from the last.  While it might seem like there’s greater risk attached to such noticeable versatility, Rian Music proves […]Read More

Hanen – “Breathe”

Absolutely solid stuff from the screen to your speakers – Texas-born, LA-based artist Hanen has got a killer single on his hands with his brand-new cut called “Breathe” that is built for the right here & now.  A wicked fusion of style & sound in the music and a charismatic, versatile, and dynamic artist on […]Read More

SBS Separated 2020 Day 30/31: Hillary Dumoulin – “Shallow”

SBS Separated returns for March 2020!  Catch all kinds of amazing music, unseen moments & unreleased live footage throughout the entire month.  If you read our review on her album “Fools Gold,” you already know we’ve got a lot of love for Hillary Dumoulin and her beautiful voice.  You might have already seen her yourself, […]Read More

Ronald Williams – “Love Me As I Do”

Ronald Williams – “Love Me As I Do” – Music Video Release/Review Lookin’ mighty fly sir, yes indeed. Here’s what I can tell ya…Ronald Williams might not have had the most organized career from day one, but the material has always been there.  For example…this single “Love Me As I Do,” we originally reviewed back […]Read More

SBS Separated 2020 Day 29/31: Outfielder – “Past”

SBS Separated returns for March 2020!  Catch all kinds of amazing music, unseen moments & unreleased live footage throughout the entire month.  After seeing the incredible response, support, and love pour in for Outfielder and their song “Puzzle” that we posted up earlier on from their live set at The 27 Club in Ottawa, how […]Read More

Izzie’s Caravan – “Zephyrs”

Izzie’s Caravan – “Zephyrs” – Music Video Release/Review If the name of Izzie’s Caravan seems fresh in your mind still, you’re not alone in that; it was only about a week ago that we had a chance to check this project out for the first time with the song “Lightnin’s-A-Howlin’” posted up on our pages, […]Read More

SBS Podcast 089

What did we purchase out there in the madness of Bandcamp’s big day of sales to support the artists & bands out there?  Good question!  The answer comes in the form of incredible new tunes from Yellow Paper Planes, Violet Night, West My Friend, Bees In A Bottle, Sky As Skin, Man Made Lake, School […]Read More