Arnold Mitchem – “Shout” Remix Featuring Jason Pittman

Arnold Mitchem – “Shout” Remix Featuring Jason Pittman – Single Review
Ahhh, there you go…apparently this just needed a pinch of salt is all.
You’ve been there. You’ve cooked up your dinner, you take that first bite…and something’s missing. And whatever that something may be, it was the one thing that was gonna tie it all perfectly together.
Making music can often be like that, which is directly why it can be so tough to come up with a flawless tune or a song that’s not missing that special something to even the slightest of degrees. You might even have a recipe for the music you make…maybe you tend to even use the same ingredients in the mix from song to song; either way it still follows the same logic of needing that unknown element to bring everything together as one. In this particular instance with Arnold Mitchem, it was Jason Pittman.
Well…Jason Pittman and a massive spoonful of consistent & constant social inequity that has built up in our society over years & years. So, okay, fine…maybe sometimes it’s two ingredients that are required.
Technically, “Shout” dates back to a point in 2018 where tensions were beginning to mount into the intensity we’re witnessing today – it was the last song written for Arnold’s 2019 album called Drive, and at the time, no Jason Pittman in the mix just yet. It should be noted that, in the notes I’ve got here, it was noticed by Arnold that the commercial appeal of the original wasn’t quite measuring up to where he wanted it to go – and he should be commended for recognizing that music is much more important than any hit single could ever be. It can serve a purpose when we need it most – and that’s what this track was meant to do; “Shout” is a call for awareness & activism…a real shakeup from our complacency.
With the tragic passing and cold-blooded undeniable murder of George Floyd, Arnold was struggling with the weight of such a monstrous event like so many of us were from the sidelines from what we watched in horror for eight minutes & forty-six seconds. More importantly, the significance of George Floyd taught so many to recognize the fact that as brutal as the event was, the fact that so many of us experienced it via YouTube & news outlets was a wake-up call to understand the privilege of seeing it from a distance, as opposed to living such a nightmare day-in & day-out like so many unfortunately do. I don’t say privilege like we were somehow honored to watch Floyd die needlessly – that’d be ridiculous. I say privilege in reference to the comfort of the cushy pillows on your couch, where you’re LUCKY to be safe – aka WHITE privilege – but that’s not the case for all or a luxury that everyone receives in this life, and that’s precisely how songs like “Shout” come to be. Artists like Arnold see these injustices in our world and do the best they can to play a role, speak up when it’s needed most, and be the change we need.
And so here we are in 2020, with the world more divided in some respects than it’s ever been before – and in other more important ways, it’s also more united and inspired than ever to make a difference. “We’ve got to stand together,” as Arnold will remind you in the words he’s written into “Shout.” The video he’s got supporting this new remix also features authentic footage shot during the LA protests that occurred on June 6th, only a short time ago. Powerful stuff to experience – check it out below…
You can call him the ‘piece de resistance’ if you like – and feel free to give that old adage of a double-meaning for the right here & now…not only did Jason Pittman raise the quality of “Shout” overall, he’s here proudly shoutin’ his resistance to all the things that suck out there right now in this world, and rightly so. PLUS…I mean, clearly the man has rhythm & flow and style for miles – I loved listening to what Pittman brought to the bars and completely agree with Arnold on how well he suits this song. Jason was the pinch of salt this recipe required after all – and now everyone out there is gonna want a seat at this table to get some of this cut, preferably right by the speakers, you feel me?
It’s a combination of styles & sound that perfectly complement each other. Fantastic charisma & personality in the colorful vibes of the music. If you read up on Mitchem’s history, you’ll certainly learn he’s no stranger to the scene; he’s worked with some real giants in the industry – and of course, when you hear how he lays it all down on “Shout,” you won’t question the fact that the man can definitely hold his own and sing with powerfully appealing conviction backing up his every word. Adding in Pittman to the lineup strengthened a solid tune and turned a good one into a truly great one. Is it commercial now? Is it a hit? Does it need to be is likely a better question. I’ll tell ya what…I’m gonna let you all be the judge of that – to me, this song serves a much more important function, but I’ll readily admit it’s one red-hot jam that’s for sure. It certainly sounds damn good, there’s no denying that; it’s got a badass Blues-Rock vibe that hits the mark right on the money & you won’t find fault in anything you’ll hear in the highly impressive music & vocals.
The best way I can put it personally, is that “Shout” is a hit and a homerun to me for different reasons, all based upon the intentions of its creation and the realization of its potential – Arnold Mitchem made the right call in revisiting a song like this when the time called upon him to act. I hope the people out there are paying attention to the example he’s set, hearing the words he’s written & the words Jason’s rappin,’ and get out there on the front-lines of change to make whatever difference they can, however they can do it. Be like Arnold & Jason folks – speak up, speak out, and “Shout” for the change we need.
The “Shout” remix featuring Jason Pittman is officially being released on July 29th this year – until then, make sure to check out the original and his album Drive and his other tunes at Spotify, right here: