Aldrich Benson – “Middle Of The Night”

Aldrich Benson – “Middle Of The Night” – Single Review
These guys might just be my new heroes.
I’m not gonna give you ALL the details as to WHY that is in this singular review however…if you want the full picture & story of what I’m hearing in Aldrich Benson and what’s got me diggin’ these two dudes so much, you’re gonna have to read the sequel as well – as in, we’ll be featuring two slices of this band on our pages today through a couple samples & singles from their new Intelligent Music EP. I always like to mix things up a little in events like these, so I figured why not lay out what’s more or less my first impression of the music of Aldrich Benson – and in the next article coming out discussing their lead-single “The City,” I’ll take ya for a deeper dive into the technical details & what all I can find online for information. Suffice it to say for now that, with the massive energy & passion they’ve put into “Middle Of The Night,” they’ve certainly got my attention – and I’d be more than willing to bet they’ll have the same effect on YOU. Make no mistake – this duo is here because they’re truly in it for the love of the game – yes, Covid & quarantine times may have spurred them on, but making music is clearly something they LOVE to do – your ears couldn’t possibly question otherwise after hearing “Middle Of The Night.”
Just past the ten-second mark after a solid spark in the intro, they ignite into a blaze and demonstrate a massive balance of supreme strengths between them. HUGE vocal sound, giant drum beats, stellar harmonies, and structure & execution that’ll confirm to your ears that, yes, this might be their debut record as a duo, but this is so obviously NOT their first rodeo, you feel me? These two are firing it up with a veteran’s level of skill in their craft…there is zero doubt about the fact that Aldrich Benson knows their way around their instruments and the inside of a studio. For this particular project, they’re writing, playing, producing – all that good stuff – so you gotta imagine how this is all going down in your head while you listen to a tune like “Middle Of The Night” – wherever all this music they’re making is taking place, I can guarantee ya they’ve got it set up perfectly to get the very best out of themselves. I mean, if a song like “Middle Of The Night” doesn’t speak volumes on behalf of two dudes that are comfortable and right in the pocket, ready to rock with everything they got & the chops to back it up, I’m not sure quite what else I could point to as an example. This is all my own theory of course, but I’m seeing this like, seriously badass home-studio set up with all the pro toys they’d need to succeed. What’s unmistakable is that we can all hear the drive & passion it takes to create stellar results like you’ll find on “Middle Of The Night,” and it’s impossible to miss the genuine interest & enthusiasm underneath the surface that makes US want to stand up & cheer these guys on as they rock their way through it. With spectacular low-end that creates a solid & reliable groove in a subtle “Roadhouse Blues”-esque rumble they can rely on, the more that this song fills itself in, the more fun we’re ALL having – us as listeners, and them as players. Each ticking second creates more reasons to listen, whether it’s the impressive musicianship, remarkably bold & expressive vocals, killer solos, or the brilliant use of pacing & space they use to their advantage when springing back into the verses post-chorus through the loud/quiet dynamics…I mean, credit where credit is due y’all – this is entirely engaging. Makes for one heck of a gateway into their music and a first impression on anyone listening – and rightly so, they’ve selected this gripping single as the number one song you’ll hear when you push play on the Intelligent Music EP.
The punch & power is in all the right places you wanna hear it – “Middle Of The Night” is a HUGE jam, flawlessly constructed & equally perfect through its production & this duo’s noteworthy performance. I cannot express just how many days a music-reviewer like myself spends listening to tunes where we wish this person did that just a little bit better, or that you could hear the passion somewhere where it’s absent all of a sudden, or where the musicianship drops the ball for an inconvenient moment in time, or where the balance of strengths in a band aren’t anywhere remotely close to being even – this list could go on & on – the point is, you get NONE of these issues with Aldrich Benson – these guys came to PLAY.
Find out more about Aldrich Benson at their official website right here:
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