Month: <span>December 2023</span>

The SBS Top 10 Of 2023: #01 – Milana Zilnik

The SBS Top 10 Of 2023: #01 – Milana Zilnik – Metamorfosi Shout-out Canada!  Ten years ago when we started our annual Best New Sound quests after only being around on the internet for about a year and a half, we had no idea we’d find so many talented artists & bands over the years […]Read More

The SBS Top 10 Of 2023: #02 – Carl Anderson

The SBS Top 10 Of 2023: #02 – Carl Anderson – Chronophobia It is extremely rare – in fact there has only ever been one other instance in a decade’s worth of time – that an artist or band makes our annual top ten list twice.  Congratulations are indeed in order for the extraordinary superhuman […]Read More

Betweenzone – Means Of Control

Betweenzone – Means Of Control – Album Review And so concludes the longest gap we’ve got on our pages in between reviewing Betweenzone since we first started listening to’em way back in 2018!  It’s been a year and a half since we checked out a single they released called “Flower Lady” in advance of this […]Read More

The SBS Top 10 Of 2023: #03 – LunariaN

The SBS Top 10 Of 2023: #03 – LunariaN – Refined Anomalium All the way from Jakarta, Indonesia, straight to the top three of our annual quest for the Best New Sound on our Canadian-based pages!  LunariaN is one seriously gifted band that should be turned UP loud and proud by all – and what […]Read More

The SBS Top 10 Of 2023: #04 – Nosebora

The SBS Top 10 Of 2023: #04 – Nosebora – Sink Your Teeth In There have been many fantastic albums, artists, and bands added to our top ten list this year, but it should certainly be noted that of all the names you’ll find here at sleepingbagstudios, Nosebora deserves to be top of mind and […]Read More

The SBS Top 10 Of 2023: #05 – Stuart Pearson

The SBS Top 10 Of 2023:  #05 – Stuart Pearson – American Gothic Another artist that had an incredibly inspired year with his creativity and music, which landed him on our pages multiple times throughout the course of 2023.  Stuart Pearson could have easily been added to our list for his efforts on the album […]Read More

Scott Kirby – “So Many Ways” / “People Like You”

Scott Kirby – “So Many Ways” / “People Like You” – Singles Review Way back when…sometime in 2017 if the dates on these pages of ours are accurate…we first crossed paths with a singer/songwriter named Scott Kirby through a single called “Love Is Just” and were blown away by the amount of talent he possessed […]Read More

The SBS Top 10 Of 2023:  #06 – BLOOODHOUND

The SBS Top 10 Of 2023:  #06 – BLOOODHOUND – happpy ending By far and away one of the most strange and interesting projects we’ve ever stumbled upon throughout our eleven years of sleepingbagstudios history – BLOOODHOUND has the kind of combination of creativity and darkness you rarely find executed so brilliantly.  With a curiosity-inducing […]Read More

The SBS Top 10 Of 2023:  #07 – Ernest Aines

The SBS Top 10 Of 2023:  #07 – Ernest Aines – Spiral Bound From the moment we heard his voice, we knew Ernest Aines was something special.  This remarkable dude from down under right here helped secure some serious recognition & accolades for the singer/songwriters out there this year.  Aines wrote a phenomenal set of […]Read More

The SBS Top 10 Of 2023: #08 – Garage T. Rashington

The SBS Top 10 Of 2023:  #08 – Garage T. Rashington III – Acoustic Slop It was an extremely busy year for this legend right here.  Not only was 2023 the debut for the music of Garage T. Rashington III, but throughout the course of its 365 days, it saw the release of his first […]Read More