Month: <span>March 2023</span>

Radio Drive – “Cast Out Your Light”

Radio Drive – “Cast Out Your Light” – Single Review There comes a point where you feel like you practically know someone by the sound of their music if you’ve been listening for a significant length of time.  I’ve technically been listening to Kevin Gullickson’s music in Radio Drive for nearly a decade at this […]Read More

Zachary Campos – “Pain”

Zachary Campos – “Pain” – Single Review Alright…I’m gonna be real with ya…Zachary Campos might just rule the world one day. I don’t know that any of us know exactly what we’re dealing with…yet – and that might even include Zachary himself.  From what I can tell, this dude’s been rampaging the scene with like…way […]Read More

TheGAMRKage – “I Am A Dragon”

TheGAMRKage – “I Am A Dragon” – Single Review “Fuck that I’m proud of myself.”  #Heard One of the realest conversations I heard this year was about how we need to be our own inspiration.  You look at that quote up top, and it’s clear that TheGAMRKage would get what that’s all about.  We could […]Read More

MC Shep – “Still Crushin’” Feat. Lynnette

MC Shep – “Still Crushin’” Feat. Lynnette – Music Video Post “Still Crushin’” indeed!  MC Shep and Lynnette deserve to dominate your playlist with this one for real. Slick and stylistic vibes, with personality that can be heard in every move they make from the music to the microphone, this is collaboration creates straight fire […]Read More

Jacob Brand – “Game Changer”

Jacob Brand – “Game Changer” – Single Review Jacob’s a good guy…let’s get that information to ya up front.  The whole scene of artists & creative-types is so filled with emotions that’s it’s always a fine line to walk in being a critic…it’s never my goal to discourage anyone from doing whatever they love – […]Read More

Matthew Weaver – “Crimson Sheet”

Matthew Weaver – “Crimson Sheet” – Single Review If there’s been one thing that’s become easy for me to recognize over the past two decades of writing about music, it’s when I run into an artist or band that has an intense level of knowledge about the art that far exceeds my own.  Matthew Weaver […]Read More