Zanilonia – “The Door Never Opened Before”

 Zanilonia – “The Door Never Opened Before”

Zanilonia – “The Door Never Opened Before” – Single Review

If there’s one thing you can count on David Zee and his project Zanilonia for, it’s that you’ll quite likely experience something in music that you’ve haven’t before.  For real y’all…while there are always ups and downs when you’re in pursuit of new artistic concepts and/or doing things differently than the rest of the folks do, you’ve gotta admire the kind of mind that is capable of coming up with stuff that others generally haven’t.  Essentially, when you take the road less traveled in music, you continually have the opportunity to be the hero of your own story in the creative sense as you break new ground, or you can become your own worst enemy as you head down the rabbit hole at a pace that no one else can follow.

Still, I’d always rather click on a link that could offer our ears something unique, and I fully respect David’s natural ambitions to go where the music takes him, wherever that may be.  I’ve seen and heard things work out fantastically well for him…I’ve had other moments where I’ve felt like he’s wandered too far from the mark…but above all things, I admire the fact that when I click on a song from Zanilonia I know that I’ll be in-store for something different that I haven’t heard before.  That counts for a lot in the world I’m living in where songs and records keep coming atcha at a rapid pace with little to separate one experience from the last in a great many cases.  I mean, artists and bands are always doing something new, yes – but trust me when I tell ya that it’s rare to find a mind that works in the way David’s does.

Like many things that he chooses to write about, there is more than meets the eye.  You might even have a take on Zanilonia’s new single that is based entirely in the theory of metaphor, or an allegory of some kind – and heck, you might even be right!  I really dig the concept of “The Door Never Opened Before” and how it relates to the idea of seeking out the truth, or hiding from it as well.  “We all build hallways to hide when the truth is too much” is but one of many insightful lines you’ll find in this song.  I also love the roots of positivity you’ll find flowing this song too – like, imagine you found a door in your own home, or metaphorically in your mind – would you go through it as willingly as David does?  He doesn’t even seem to think twice about that part – he might have been opening up Pandora’s Box, but he charges right in with no fear and an expectation that what he’ll find is GOOD…and I love that!  Conceptually, I think there’s an argument to be made that it’s more exciting than the actual sound might be to the people out there…but by the same token, I think it’s equally fair to say that it’s a really well-written tune too.  The reality is, “The Door Never Opened Before” is pretty dang close to soft Rock or gentle Folk that ain’t too far removed from the realm of something like Peter, Paul and Mary – don’t get me wrong, they’re legendary and that’s a great band to be compared to, but it’s also fairly removed from what’s currently happening out there in the scene right now.  That’s kind of David’s whole jam though…while these are ideas that undoubtedly come naturally to him and the wavelength that he’s on, I suspect he’s also quite proud of the fact that he’s continually creating an alternative source of music to listen to that’s not a whole lot like anything else that’s out there today.  Admittedly, while that can often seem like it pigeon-holes a potential audience, it’s the same recipe to build a very loyal fan-base as well.

I’d imagine he’s comfortable with appealing to a smaller slice of the pie when it comes to the listeners out there…I don’t think that gets to him at all.  I think as long as he knows he’s put what he can into whatever he’s working on, he knows the rest is arbitrary.  He sings “The Door Never Opened Before” wonderfully…he plays it perfectly…the hooks & the harmonies are exceptional…the melody is great too…I mean, by all accounts and measures, this is a quality song through and through.  It’s going to have its challenges getting out there to the masses as I’m sure much of what Zanilonia creates probably does – but that’s the last kind of metrics anyone should use in assessing a song.  There’s a real craft to David’s writing that is bound to appeal to the dedicated songwriters out there…and while that comes with a much gentler and delicate vibe than a lot of music tends to, the craft itself can still be a very exciting aspect of music when it comes to those truly engaged with the art.  It’s not the like, turn it UP and dance kind of excitement, but it still qualifies as a type of excitement by definition…or at the very least, a respect for the craftsmanship and thought that’s put into the writing.  “The Door Never Opened Before” is a thought-provoking song no matter how you end up interpreting what David means with his words this time around – and I feel like there are a great many folks out there that’ll respond positively to what he’s written into this tune.  Rightly so!  In my opinion, it’s definitely one of the better songs I’ve heard from Zanilonia to-date, and as always, shines a bright light on one of the most unique minds you’ll find in this music scene we share.

Find out more about Zanilonia from the official website at:

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