The Jimi Newton Project – 3.0: Uptown Funk – Album Review The first and most immediate reaction I had to the opening track “Make A Better Place” and sounds of The Jimi Newton Project resulted in a massive smile across my face. What a pleasant and moving sound; it’s a soft-side funk/electro with a heavy […]Read More
Interview With Santa Semeli And The Monks SBS: Thank you so much SSATM! Appreciate you stopping by our pages! For those that don’t know about you and your sound already, let’s get a bit of history…how did the two of you meet and how would you describe the sound of SSATM? SSATM: Hello! We are […]Read More
Andres And Sean – Pack & Go – Album Review This could very potentially be something here. With a completely excellent subtle-melody-driven sound, the music of Andres And Sean really create a rich texture and atmosphere. The result is a dense musical landscape, full of great ideas and executed artistically throughout the album Pack & […]Read More
D-Harmany – Us – Album Review Music can be so interestingly-specific sometimes. When you think about it…we all more or less write about what we write about…we find our comfortable spot with the themes we know and live within the context & subtext of it all. The guy that writes about ‘chics and cars’ will […]Read More
Mercy Choir – Two Machines In The Garden – Album Review Alright…so…Mercy Choir… What I can tell you right away…is that this is NOT a club-beat of any kind. I can tell you this is NOT the dance music to get your grandmother up and out of her chair unexpectedly after five years. I can […]Read More