Zayed Hassan – “Cat Is Cute” Feat. Anna Belle

Zayed Hassan – “Cat Is Cute” Feat. Anna Belle – Single Review
Ahhh the internet is a beautiful thing when it comes to finding unique tunes ain’t it? I’ll put it to you this way…I’ve just discovered the new track from Zayed Hassan called “Cat Is Cute” featuring the vocals of Anna Belle…and I still don’t think I can tell you exactly what I’ve experienced here…I just know I like it.
Just keep in mind I was on record for years saying that anything/everything I listened to sounded like a broken answering machine, which was true for a long time…so bizarre constructions certainly always have a place in my heart and on my playlists – “Cat Is Cute,” ultimately, is something I completely dig. I’m just being entirely honest with you all when I say this is likely a long venture down the rabbit-hole of music for most people out there…you don’t just end up in Wonderland like Alice did, if you stick with this tune you end up in another galaxy of sound entirely. Vibrantly entertaining through its structure, editing, assembly & production – Zayed Hassan has created something that is off-the-charts crazy to listen to…yet somehow, Anna Belle found a perfect way to fit into this tune.
Now…keep in mind, when you listen to it…there are definitely moments where you can hear that editing plays a role in the pace of Anna’s vocals…unless she’s singing extremely fast. These moments are just as effective as when she lets the tones in her voice drift into the melody – I’m just pointing out the fact that not only does she bring something unique to the song through her own sound, Zayed has additionally found an equally impressive way to use that voice as an instrument at times throughout “Cat Is Cute” – and it sounds great! When you read the write-up for their new single at Zayed’s page at Soundcloud, you can visibly see the admiration & respect he has for Anna Belle’s vocals – and I fully believe you can hear exactly why that is when you listen to the song and what she brings to it. Singing in her native Korean language, she’s charming and captivating…and perhaps more impressive than anything else – she somehow found a way into this electro-madness that Zayed had presented to her! Not gonna lie to you…99% of the vocalists out there would hear a cut like this and probably run for the hills in the other direction just based on how tough it would be to find the right places, movement, approach and pace to fit right into the music. It might have something to do with a language & style of speech that carries a different cadence to the words – but overall, I think it’s the fact that Anna Belle approaches this tune fearlessly and finds a truly artistic, unique and expressive way to complement the music, bring out the melody and beauty throughout her performance with her dreamy & angelic tones.
As far as Zayed’s music is concerned…he already knows this is madness, he doesn’t need me to tell him that. What I would certainly do is completely ENCOURAGE this madness he’s creating to continue – because I think this is highly unique from so much of what is out there that it’s impossible to ignore. That degree of difference between the approach that Zayed’s got and what will set him apart from the rest is a massive chasm…but it’s in that blissful gap that we find true innovation, invention and imagination like he clearly has. “Cat Is Cute” definitely sounds playful, don’t get me wrong, but there’s also no doubt about the amount of exceptional skill and talent that Zayed has for making music. Listen to the way this song moves, shifts, transitions and evolves! It’s unreal! The entire ride through this song will make your brain dance, fill you with energy and leave you with a smile – what Zayed and Anna have done here is incredibly entertaining, wild and so impressively lively with its every twist & turn that each moment along the way creates more impact on you as it plays. The big moments come through stunningly, the stripped-back breakdowns are equally amazing…the electro sound of “Cat Is Cute” even dips into a serene acoustic-guitar & piano-led moment for a while…and the way the song breaks at the very end was the perfect final touch to make this tune a complete experience from beginning to end.
I had a riot listening to this…I might be crazy…but I’m not alone. I know a ton of people out there that would find a perfect place in the soundtrack of their life for a song like “Cat Is Cute” – it might not be for everyone, but for those out there looking for something way, way different than what else is out there in electro – this should be exactly what you’re after. Full salute to a collaboration that completely works in every aspect from production to performance; these two work exceptionally well together and prove that there truly is an art to electro-music…and that apparently their imagination & creativity is limitless.
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